ch8: day at the mall

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Niall POV

Today Zayn and I are taking the girls shopping. I'm paying zayns just going for the fun of it. I hope I don't explode while going into girly stores and paying for a lot of girly stuff.

At the mall

"Can we go to hot topic?" Jessica asked. I was confused I thought she as girly I mean she likes one direction for gods sake. I guess we also hit other types of people other than girly girls. "Sure!" Zayn said with a happy look on his face. I have a feeling he wants new earrings that's why he wants to go.

At hot topic

"Oh mer gersh!" Jessica shouted holding a nirvana tee shirt its been along time yet people still love nirvana. I remember we had merch here when 1D was still around. We bought a lot of things. Batman stuff nirvana tee and some old 1D merch that I found that I decided to buy. We also bought hair dye and skinny jeans for jessica. Tatum didn't want that stuff she's apparently the girly one, yet she's more sarcastic than the average girly girl. That confuses me as a person. "Next stop is aeropostale!" Tatum said heading towards the aeropostale store. We bought the girls some clothes and tatum got some jewelry for herself. Zayn bought himself some new skinny jeans and I got nothing it was too much for me because I was so close to buying a shirt that was green but I didn't so.

At home

"We need to talk ni." Zayn said as the girls went upstairs. "About what?" I asked. "Us. Im divorcing perrie." There was no way out of this was there?

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