Chapter 3

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Yesterday was a long day. After we stopped by the realtors to enquire about the cafe, they told us it was already sold. I guess it wasn't meant to be, although, something did strange happen after we left... I smelled something amazing and I looked all around me but couldn't find the source of the scent. It smelled like lemons, sandalwood, and a bit earthy all mixed in together. I've never smelled anything so intoxicating before and you think these scents wouldn't be able to mix together but I was in love with it.

The realtors was near the end of the road from the cafe. There were quite a bit of cars around us and a few people strolling about window shopping. When I was trying to identify the incredible scent, I searched all around me and came up empty.

"What the hell are you doing?" Luna asked. I wasn't paying attention to her. I was looking up and sown the street to see if anything caught my eye. "Hello, earth to Celeste."

"Ow! What the heck was that for?" I rubbed the spot where she pinched me.

She looked at her gold watch with encrusted diamonds on it, it was a gift from her ex-husband. "I'm hungry and need to cook cause we both know you don't know how to cook. Plus, I want to make sure Chris has something to eat when he comes home from school."

"That's not nice."

"I never said I was. I don't even know how you survived this long without me."

She smiled at me and I rolled my eyes and flipped her off as I started to walk back in the direction of the car. I heard her laugh behind me. She can be annoying sometimes. Once we arrived at the car she called my name.

I walked to the driver side and waited for her to ask her question.

"What were you doing back there?," she hitched her thumb in the direction we came from, "What were you searching for?"

"You didn't smell it?" I was dumbfounded. She studied me then shook her head no.

"What did it smell like?" 

I explained it to her but she told me she didn't smell anything but the normal HUMAN stuff. I forgot she no longer has the heighten senses as I do.

We got in the car and went home. Inside the car the silence was not comfortable at all. I feel bad that her marriage is in shambles and she gave up on being a siren for him. 

Once I parked in the driveway I stopped her from getting out. "I'm sorry, I forgot that you're human now."

"I know Celeste, there are a few good things I got out of it you know," she smiled at me, "my son and you. I have missed you for a long time and I'm happy that we're back in each others lives." She touched my hand and gave it a light squeeze before she left the car.

Afterwards, I helped her to cook dinner... Well, she was teaching me how to cook dinner. Chris came home and told us that the football coach wanted him to start practicing with the team. He went on and told us the story that happened that day. He playing soccer during PE and teacher saw him kick the ball into the net and yada, yada, yada. He's staying after school the next day to practice the team.

My sister and I were excited for him to say the least, but I felt a little on edge, "Chris, I love that this amazing thing fell onto your lap but you must be careful. Your siren capabilities can cause an iss-"

He waved his hand into the air waving off my concern, "No problem Auntie C. The team all consists of werewolves and I told him what I was and the coach is coming here tomorrow after practice to talk to mom about me possibly being on the team," he was beaming at us.

"You did what?!" Luna grabbed my arm for what, I don't know.

"Chris, no!"

"What's the problem? I thought you both would be happy for me."

I got up and start to pace the room while his mom was telling him we were trying to keep a low profile because we were in their territory. She sat him down and spoke to him in a soft spoken manner. I wanted to yell at him.

"Chris! You shouldn't have done that," I was livid, "My Zeus! Do you have any idea what you've done!" I was still pacing back and forth. "We're on their territory without permission!"

Luna tried to calm me down. I looked at Chris and he looked remorseful.

"I'm sorry Auntie C, I didn't know." I took a deep breath and sat besides him.

"I should have told you to keep us on the down low, so this is all my fault. I'm sorry for yelling at you. I know I'm not your mom but I'm looking out for all of us. Ok?" He nodded his head and gave me and his mom a hug.

"Go eat something," Luna told him.

While he left, Luna and I sat there just starring at each other. Turned my head, looking out the window.

"Penny for your thoughts?" she asked me.

"I'm scared," I turned my head towards her, "I have no idea what this alpha is like and I don't know how he'll respond."

She looked worried, " Don't fret Luna, there's nothing we can do about it now but was see what happens.

"You're not worried about this?" 

"The alpha probably knows already were here ever since Chris told the coach what he was. I think we'll be ok since no one has came and kicked the door down... Yet. We'll just take this one day at a time. I'm going to bed early."

I told them both good night and headed upstairs. My body was on auto-pilot thinking how everything can possibly go wrong while I went through my nightly routine before I got into bed. The other problem at that moment was sleep didn't happen until the early morning.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2021 ⏰

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