Chapter 2

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Hello all. Here's another chapter I hope you like it. I might come back in here and clean it up.


"I-I can't," I stuttered

Chris stood up fast knocking the chair over, "Why not? Look what he did to me and my mom".

"I know hon, but I can't do it," I told him. I turn to my sister, "You never explained it to him?" I peered over at him, catching him staring at the both of us.

Luna shook her head, "I didn't think he needed to know everything".

"What are you two talking about"?

"Look son, please sit down," I grabbed the chair off the floor while Luna continuted, "One of the things I didn't tell you about is that... Uh... every time a siren uses their power, they lose themselves a little more each time".

I put my hand on his shoulder, "And I haven't used my powers at all and I don't plan too."

"So you haven't used your song yet? Then," he looked excited, "just use a little bit to ruin him and you won't lose yourself and all is good then." He doesn't get it.

"Chris, how can I explain it better," I started pacing the floor of the kitchen. The pristine kitchen floor making look up ash the deign of the kitchen. This place makes my eyes hurt. It was so modern Luna and Chris looked so out of place in here,, "It like a drug you experience for the first time and you get high totally feeling it, but when you can down from it, you're looking for the next hit. Do you understand what I'm trying to tell you?

"Yeah, Auntie Celeste. I get it. Sorry for mentioning it." He looked so defeated and I felt bad for the kid but I can't bring myself to use my power. Unfortunately, there are sirens out there who use it constantly and cause so much destruction. Fortunately, there's only a handful of us left so we can go unnoticed. We're a dying bred.

"Celeste, what am I going to do now? What am I going to do about all of this?" She asked waving her arm all over the place.

"Well we can get in touch with a divorce lawyer and sue his ass. In the meantime, we can move-"

"I can't move. What about my friends, school... I have a life here," Chris looked so heart broken.

"Celeste... What am I going to do?"

"I'll tell you want we're going to do. You're going to leave that butt wipe, file for divorce, and leave the rest to me. I'll take care-"

"Oh C. I can't let you do that. I-I can't-" she cried into her hands.

Luna has done so much for me when my father left our mother. Doing this for her is only a small gift in return for all she's done for me.

"None sense Luna. I'll lake care of everything."


Recently, I hired a top notch divorce lawyer for Luna, moved us to a small town on the west coast called Zenbrey, and bought us a house on the edge of the forest. Chris wasn't happy about t it especially having to see a therapist to make sure that his mom has full custody of him. I enrolled him in to a high school full of humans and werewolves.

"Auntie Celeste," he hollered for me from his bedroom.

"Kid! I'm in the kitchen there is no reason to be yelling in the house!" This is one of the reasons I don't want kids. Luna snickers besides me. I roll my eyes at her and return back to the papers in my hand.

"Luna, can you pass me my coffee please," I ask her.

"Do you want me to burn our breakfast," she brings my mug to kitchen table were I'm sitting.

"Auntie C," Chris walks into the kitchen, "Do I have to go to this school? Can't I be home schooled?,"

"Shouldn't you ask your mother and not me?"

"You're the one that moved us across the country," he placed his backpack onto the farmhouse table.

"With your moms blessing, Chris," I looked up to him from my seat, "every decision made thus far is with her agreement. If you have a problem with that take it up with her."

He looked towards his mom, "Go to school Chris, but sit down first and eat your breakfast." He rolled his eyes and did as his mom wished. He grumbled in his seat.

"I know it's tough Kid, but that's life. Luna, what are your plans today," I asked my sister.

"I have some paper work to go through and see what he is trying to pull. Why what's up?"

"I want to go into town and check it out." When we drove through town to get to the house I saw many places I wanted to see. There were a few clothing stores, some restaurants, a coffee shop which was close to the high school, and a lot of other things.

"Ok, I'm off. Wish me luck and pray that I don't get my ass-"


"Sorry mom," he didn't look contrite at all, "my butt handed to me," he grabbed his bag and car keys then left after giving us a kiss on our checks.

"Good Luck, Kid," I always hate being the new kid at a new school.

After we ate and got ready we left to go into town. When we drove through downtown I was surprise to see high end store.

"Celeste, pull over I want to go to that clothing store," I looked over to where she wanted to go. It was called Sunrise Clothing. When we walked in it was a quaint little store. I walked around the store with a few dresses which caught my eye.

"Hi welcome to my store I'm Carly, is there anything in particular you're looking for," the owner asked my sister.

I walked closer to them and smiled at her, but Luna replied first. "Hi I'm Luna and this is my sister Celeste. We just moved here," she quirked her head.

"You both have interesting names and welcome to our humble town." I took a good look at her. She has blond hair and blue eyes. She has an easy smile that made me at ease. She wore a colorful smock and shoes to match it, but I could tell she wasn't human. She was a werewolf. I can tell by her earthy smell.

"Yes, we do, I blame our mother," she had weird obsession with the moon.

"Well, thank you for coming in. If you need any help just ask."

"Thank you," I said. She seems nice.

We ended up buying a few dresses. We left the store and walked by a few different placed. There was one place which made me stop in my tracks.

"Why are you stopping," Luna asked me, but I took a few steps back and looked at the sign in front of me.


I pointed to the sign, "What do you think? Should I buy it," I asked Luna.

"You've never been inside..." She looked up at the name of the building, "Sacred Grounds Cafe?"

"So and your point is?" I know I didn't want to work again but from the outside it looked cute. I mean seriously, what can go wrong?


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