8 // Spilling the Tea

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— (Y/N)'s POV—

"Hey, (Y/N). I've been trying to call you all morning. Where were you?" She asked, concerned.

"Hey, Connie. I was round one of my old friend's houses for the night... It's a long ass story." I greeted her with our normal hug.

"Go on, then. I have time." She smiled as I invited her inside, both of us running up to my room like frenzied children.

"Oh, God, Connie. Where do I even start?" I giggled, flopping onto my bed as she sunk into my bean bag on the opposite side of the room.

"Maybe you could start with the owner of the gorgeous car you came out of..." She suggested, which was more of a demand rather than a suggestion, "or, if you prefer, gorgeous guy."

I rolled my (E/C) eyes at the blonde haired girl.

"That was my friend from when I was little. His name's Michael. He was my friend long before I'd even met you, believe it or not. We just recently reconnected and... it's interesting, to say the least." I started, Connie raising a suspicious eyebrow at me.

"He better not be coming for my spot as your best friend otherwise we'll be having trouble." Connie joked, imitating herself stabbing an invisible Michael with a makeshift blade.

"No, but he's definitely coming for something else but I doubt he even knows what..." I spoke dreamily, not even realising those last words even left my mouth and when I did, my hand rose so quickly to clamp over it in an attempt to stop anything else from coming out.

"Ooh, you like him, don't you?" She teased, "come on, girl. Just admit it~"

"I... I don't know. I can only remember snippets of our past. It's painful and annoying but I guess I like him... a little... maybe a lot..." I babbled on, finally telling her the truth; I like Michael more than a friend.

"That's what I like to hear." She smirked, causing me to roll my eyes once more.

"We started to speak at the party when I accidentally bumped into him. Oh, by the way, I'd appreciate it if you keep your cousin as far away from me as possible... I think he's been stalking me." I added, Connie sighing like it wasn't the first time something like this had happened.

"Oh, for Christ's sake. Not again. He did this with the last three girls he was infatuated with. He convinced us all he had changed. I can't believe I actually believed him. Don't worry, (Y/N). You're safe with Evan and I." She grinned; her boyfriend and her had always made sure I was safe.

"Thanks. Anyways, he helped me get away from Alex and yada yada, he gave me his number and now I have a job working with him now. It starts tonight actually. Yesterday, I called him up and we went out for coffee and food. During all of this, he hadn't told me that he was in possession of his dad's ID and bought many beers for himself." I continued, Connie listening with much interest.

"Then what happened?" She asked, desperate to find out what happened next.

"Well, he drank too much and I had to take him home. One thing led to another and soon enough I found myself in his house. I still wonder how I succumbed to the pressure of staying. Not that I regret it. In fact, I'm kinda glad I stayed over. I learned a lot about him and I got approved by his father for the job. I think his dad is too harsh on him sometimes.

"I heard them yelling at each other this morning and I feel really bad for him. I don't want to be seen as someone who likes to eavesdrop on conversations but it was so hard not to hear..." I realised I was ranting again and quickly shut up, Connie wide eyed.

"God, I never realised that this was going to be this... deep." She breathed, "so, how cute is he? Is he like, really hot?"

"You already met him, I think. He was the guy who brought the animatronics for Jack's birthday." I spoke, rolling over so I was propped up on my elbows.

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