Chapter 5

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Jaden walked past me into his room, slamming his door.
why's he in such a mood?

i ignored him and went back to my room. I looked in the closet.
omg i've got tons of clothes wow
i searched through all the clothes and decided to wear some blue jeans and an oversized jumper becuase for some reason it's really cold in this house.

i checked the time.
i'm hungry
i walked downstairs and saw Lydia cleaning the floors.
Skyler- hi Lydia!
Lydia- hi skyler, you ok?
Skyler- i'm fine thanks, do you want me to help you?
Lydia- oh i'm not sure jaden would like you helping me.
Skyler- don't be silly

i bent down and grabbed a cloth and started washing the floor with her.
Lydia- thank you skyler, but i think you should get up. Jaden wouldn't like this and i could loose my job.
Skyler- ok, i don't want you to loose your job so i'll get up.

i got up and walked to the kitchen
Chef- hello skyler!
Skyler- hi chef!
Chef- please call me pablo
Skyler- ok pablo, what have i got for dinner?
Pablo- you have four cheese pasta with a side of garlic bread and a drink of water.
Skyler- wow this smells delicious! thank you pablo!
Pablo- your very welcome, Jaden doesn't really eat of me so i'm glad your here so i can make food for you
Skyler- wow this is delicious
i swirled the pasta around my fork and ate it.

Jaden- Skyler?
i turned around on my seat
Skyler- yes?
Jaden- can we talk?
Skyler- uh yeh i'm just finishing my dinner-
Jaden- now
i jumped of my seat and followed him

Jaden- so i was wondering if you wanted to come to a club tonight with me, bryce, josh, nessa and addison.
Skyler- yeh i would love to
Jaden- ok sorted
i smiled and looked down
Jaden- right i hate doing this, i'm sorry ok?
Skyler- for what?
Jaden- for being a dick to you this morning
Skyler- oh it's ok
Jaden- i'm a dick to everyone that's just who i am
Skyler- well i mean, you need to be so people will listen to you
he laughed
Jaden- yeh, so your coming tonight?
Skyler- yeh of course
Jaden- ok there should be dresses and stuff in your closet so pick one and wear it.
Skyler- when are we going?
Jaden- 6pm, so you've got time.
Skyler- ok im going to finish my dinner now
Jaden- ok
Skyler- you not having some?
Jaden- nah i'm fine
Skyler- come onnnn
i grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the kitchen

Skyler- pablo, one more plate of cheese pasta please
Pablo- coming right up!
Skyler- sit down jaden
he sat down on the chair next to me
i started eating my pasta again and jaden started eating his
we finished our dinner and i went upstairs.

i jumped in my shower and grabbed the shampoo. I finished my hair and got out the shower. I put on a robe with nothing underneath and my hair in a towel.

Jaden walked in.
Skyler- jaden! i could have been naked
Jaden- i wouldn't have minded to be fair
i smiled
Skyler- what do you want?
Jaden- we are going at 8 instead of 6
Skyler- why?
Jaden- something came up that i need to sort.

i checked the time
Skyler- ok so your going out now?
Jaden- yeh i'm leaving now and i'll be back about half 7
Skyler- ok that's fine, don't hurt yourself
Jaden- skyler, i'm the mafia boss, i kill somebody without a blink of an eye.
Skyler- impressive
Jaden- right i'm going bye
Skyler- bye

he was looking at my chest then i realised that the robe had untied a little bit showing my cleavage.
Skyler- omg
i quickly pulled the sides of the robe together
Jaden- haha
Skyler- shut up jaden, go to work
he laughed and left

i looked in the closet and tried on literally everything, but finally settled on a tight red dress with black heels.

i looked in the mirror and then at the clock.
omg it's seven!
i rushed around doing my makeup and hair, and heard jaden come in from work.
i went out the room with half finished makeup and my hair clipped back.
my jaw dropped when i saw him
Jaden- go in your room skyler, you don't need to see this
Skyler- what happened?
Jaden- everything
he walked past me covered in blood
Skyler- are you hurt?
Jaden- not really most of it is other people's blood.
Skyler- what do you think of my outfit?
Jaden- you look beautiful skyler, but i need to go and shower
Skyler- yeh that's fine

i walked back into my room and finished my makeup
wow i had never seen that much blood before, i wonder how many people he killed.

15 minutes past and i walked downstairs.
Jaden was there in a suit which looked very
sexy not going to lie.
Jaden- wow you look..
Skyler- nice?
Jaden- yeh
his phone started ringing

she walked down the stairs and she looked stunning.
jaden shut up why are you feeling this way? you don't believe in love remember?
Jaden- wow you look..
i didn't know what to say
skyler- nice?
Jaden- yeh
my phone buzzed in my pocket

Jaden- yes?
Josh- i don't think it's a good idea to bring skyler tonight
Jaden- why?
Josh- she is the most wanted out of all of the mafia groups becuase they know the only way to hurt you is to hurt somebody you care about.
Jaden- what do they want her?
Josh- yes
Jaden- i'll keep her safe, and the security won't let any other group in except from us
Josh- whatever you say
Jaden- i'll be there soon
Josh- ok bye

i listened to his conversation but i couldn't hear what the other person was.
Lots of questions wizzed through my head

Mafia Boyfriend ~Jaden Hossler Where stories live. Discover now