Chapter 16

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We walked outside with bryce, and i felt safe with them both with me.

We enjoyed the day out and got dinner, then we went back to the hotel to pack our stuff.

jaden- did you enjoy today?
skyler- yes it was amazing thank you

i picked up my clothes and put them in my bag.

We got packed up and i walked onto the bus

I dragged my feet and threw myself onto the couch.


A couple of hours go past of just straight driving.

Skyler- remind me to never say yes to you again jaden
Jaden- you got to admit you loved it

i smiled and i hear a gunshot.

Jaden shots his head up and looks out the window. Bryce runs in from the other room.

Bryce- there here, and they want the necklace.
Jaden- well they can't have it, i've been trying to get it for years
Bryce- jaden, they're threatening skyler if you don't.

I saw bryce was looking at my neck, which then i realised i had my grandmas necklace on.

i clutched it.
Skyler- no i can't
Bryce- it's either that one or jadens
Skyler- it's my grandmas
Jaden- no skyler you keep it, i'll give them mine
Bryce- are you sure? it's your-
Jaden- shut up bryce

i looked puzzled and jaden sat with his head in his hands

Jaden- it was my moms skyler, she died very young and that's the only thing i have left of her

I sit next to him and gently take my necklace off. I place it in his hands.
Skyler- take it
Jaden- no i can't, i can't give away something that was your grandmas
Skyler- it looks similar to your moms so they won't notice, take it jaden
Jaden- no skyler!

he stands up and grabs the box with his moms necklace in.

He looks out the window and getting his gun out.
Bryce- jaden they are coming from the front we need to go and shoot
Jaden- skyler stay here

i nod and watch jaden as he puts the box down again. They both leave and i quietly go over to the box.

I lift jadens moms necklace out of the box, and swap it with my grandmas.

Skyler- i'm sorry grandma, i love you

i whisper as i quickly sit back down with jadens moms necklace in my pocket.

Jaden comes in
Jaden- this will be over soon skyler

he grabs the box and runs without checking inside.

I sit on the edge of the chair, shaking my leg. He was taking so long, or what i thought was so long. i felt the necklace in my pocket.

I had to save jadens necklace, it was too special to him.

I heard a few more gunshots then bryce and jaden came back into the room.

Skyler- did they take it?
Jaden- yes luckily

he looked down and bryce noticed
Bryce- it's fine we'll get it back bro
Jaden- we won't bryce, it's gone!
Skyler- it's not gone jaden
Jaden- yes it is, i've let my mom down again
Skyler- no jaden it's not gone

i hold up the necklace and his eyes widened
Skyler- see?
Jaden- skyler how?

his eyes traced my neck and then he realised

Jaden- skyler, you shouldn't have done that, it was your grandmas
Skyler- it's fine jaden

He smiled and took the necklace off me.

He opened the hatch and put it around my neck. I grabbed my hair, moving it out the way.

I turn around and jaden smiles at me.
Jaden- you look beautiful

i grin and look in the mirror at the gorgeous diamond necklace on my neck.

sorry this is quite short, i love you guys tons and thank you sm for 11k reads! Your guys are amazing, thank you <3

Mafia Boyfriend ~Jaden Hossler Where stories live. Discover now