3) mattoes pov

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• Matteo's POV•

i watched as y/n came running in the common room flinging herself on the couch as she picked up a book and pretended to read it I was going to go up to her but I watched Tom come in I flew back round the corner without making any noise"

"I knew it was wrong to ease drop but I wanted to know what was happening, I looked between y/n and Tom, y/n who looked at the clock then back at Tom"

"That time already" "she said while putting down the book she had" "yeah, what did you want?" "Sit" "Tom walked over to the couch and sat down next to her, they sat there in Awkward silence. Then y/n spoke up it sound as if she didn't mean to say what she wanted to say"

"Professor Slughorn can be foolish enough to believe you, but I am not. Horcruxes are nothing but trouble , it is a very dark magic with very serious consequences, so please be smarter than that and think about it twice before ruining your own life" - y/n said with a serious tone

"Tom looked at her surprised as if he knew what she was talking about, that made it click Tom wanted to find them before me, he wanted them for himself"

"That selfish git" "I whispered to myself heading down the stairs as I seen y/n walk to her room closing her door"

"Tom dear brother how selfish can you be"
"Tom turned his face towards me"
"I don't know what your talking about?
No you do, you want those horcruxes for your self-"
"Matteo was cut of by Tom"
"NO. I wanted them so I can keep them safe from you, all your going to do is ruin yourself"

"the only reason im here tom is to ruin you, i have to find those horcruxes for father"
"You don't have to listen to o dad Matteo, he killed so many people I know your better than him." "STOP IT TOM, I don't want to here it and I'm not making the choices you made that almost got you killed"
"Whatever I'm going to away"

Sorry this is a bit short this is only Matteo's POV but I'm thinking of ideas to do in the next chapter but I hoped you like this also please vote❤️

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