Valentines Day

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It wasn't a normal day like very other. William Andrew Solace was pacing. Around his cabin. At 6:00 in the morning. Above that he was also mumbling to himself. With all of that chaos combined Will heard movement from Austin's bed and finally a very tired, annoyed and cranky Austin Lake emerged.

"Will why are you walking back in forth in the room I'm trying to sleep," Austin said groggily.

"I'm.. I can't think of the perfect gift to get Nico for Valentines Day!" Explained Will nervously.

"Nothing's perfect Will, you could just give Nico the classic chocolates and flowers.. or something," Replied Austin.

"Nico's more special then basic flowers or chocolate Austin! I need something really good," said Will.

Then came a though in Will's small brain, and he finally had thought of something...

While Will was frantically going insane Nico was perfect under control... sort of? Unlike Will, Nico wasn't pacing nervously. It was more of a sitting on the bed questioning your whole self existence thing. Nico was sitting there rocking back and forth loudly "mumbling" if that is what you can even call it. Luckily for him the cabins are sound proof so no one can here his "mumbles" of distress. Then breaking Nico's train of though Hazel slowly opened the door.

"..Hey, Nico what are you up to?" Asked Hazel.

"Nothing? Something? I don't know anymore!" Nico half yelled.

" Ok.. what the problem?" Hazel questioned as she slowly walked towards Nico like he was some sort of wild rapid animal.

Nico took a deep breath and sighed.
" I don't know what to give Will for Valentine's Day," Nico finally said "calmly".

"I though you didn't care about Valentine's Day?" Responded Hazel as she finally sat down, Criss-cross applesauce style.

" I don't, but Will does and I don't want to let him down," replied Nico shifting in his spot on the bed.

" I'm sure this will all end up fine, you'll be fine." Said Hazel, getting up.

"But, anyways I just came in to check on you I have to go somewhere with Frank so I'll see you later?" Asked Hazel.

"Yeah, sure.. bye," Nico said putting his legs up and holding his arms against them.

Nico heard the door shut and for several seconds he had his thought to himself. Then he heard the door open, but Hazel had already left? Little to Nico's surprise it was Will. With... hear me out here black roses and also black chocolate. When Nico saw him he had nothing to say, he couldn't really comprehend what was happening as he was so confused, happy, and out of all surprised.

"Hey, Nico." Will said ever so slightly nervous.

There was no response just silence.

"Nico?" Will asked.

Still silence.

"If you don't like the surprise you could just tell me," Will said.

Nico finally spoke.

"Dammit Will!"

Will jumped back in surprise.

"It Valentine's Day and you got me something before I could get you something, know I just feel like a really sh*tty boyfriend!" Nico said in a rage.

There was silence and Will started to laugh.

"Are you really upset because I gave you a gift before you could give me one?" Asked Will still sort of laughing.

"Yes!" Nico said in anger.

Will sat down what he had and his hands and headed towards Nico. He slowly rapped his long arms around Nico. Nico did the same.

"Even though your doing this I'm still upset at you," Nico said.

"Ok." Will responded as they just sat there in lovely silence.

"Happy Valentine's Day"

"Happy Valentine's Day"

The End.

P.s Hope your having a good day.

Pp.s I was gonna post something yesterday but I forgot, because I was wallowing in my own sadness. All I had was candy and myself. But anyways, stay safe, wash your toes, and the cake is a lie.

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