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Today it's wasn't an average day. Nico groggily got up feeling...gross to put it a better sick. His head was hot and he felt nauseas. The next thing Nico knew he was rushing to his cabin bathroom and puking in the very nice black toilet.Halfway across camp stood Will.It was like a 6th sense for him. He knew something was wrong. Will sprinted to the Hades Cabin throwing thre door open and rushing to the bathroom. Will quickly prayed to Apollo before stepping in.He felt bad for Nico as he rubbed circles on his back.

"I wanna die." Grumbled Nico

"Sure you do," Will responded as he slowly picked Nico up bridal style and gently placed him in the bed.
"I'm gonna go to the infirmary to get some medicine,"  said Will  "stay here doctors orders."

"F*ck you," Nico responded as he turned onto his left side.
Will ran out of the Hades cabin and to the infirmary leaving Nico alone with his thought...Which is never a good thing.

"When I die...who's gonna take my mythomagic cards."

"Maybe Hazel or Will...If Percy takes them in coming back from the dead to kill him."

"Maybe I should give Annabeth my book collection."
Right as Nico was about to have another random but dark tought Will came back.
"Take this." Will said

"No.It taste gross."

"Take the medicine. Nico."

"I don't want it." Objected Nico

"Go to h*ll!"  Yelled Will

"I am h*ll." Nico yelled back.

"Nico take the medicine. doctors orders." Will Exclaimed

"Fine.. but only because I don't want Percy to have my mythomgaic cards." Murmured Nico as he took the gross purple medicine.

"What?... Anyway you need sleep," Advised Will

"Fine but I'm not taking anymore of that crappy medicine," Nico decided.

"Fine." Will was thinking.. "move over."


"Because I know you and if I leave your not going to sleep."

"Fine." Nico said as he scooted into the right side of the bed.Will payed down next to him and rapped his lanky arms around Nico burying his face into Nico Onyx hair. Soon they both slowly dozed off to the land of sleep.

The end

P.s Hope you're having a good day.😊

Pp.s Hello people it is the spoopy season! But sadly we can't go trick or treating because of Covid. So, go watch a scary movie like... The Emoji Movie and relax.🕸

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