Chapter 4: Party Time

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Yet again, Dream walked into the bookstore looking for the beautiful brunette. George was waiting behind the counter, his arms resting on it. Today he was wearing a simple blue top with a little bow in his hair. The vivid color brought out his eyes, only something Dream would notice. 

"hi dream"

George said as Dream came towards him. The brunette noticed the silver rings on Dream's fingers, something new. Dream rested his arms on the counter and brought his face eye level with Georges. Their noses almost touched yet Dream fixed that by bringing himself a tad closer. 

"hi beautiful"

George scrunched his nose and blushed heavily. As he tried to turn away, he was stopped by a hand holding his face close. Looking back, he saw the blonde grinning at his power over George.

"george, i have an idea"

George glanced at the green eyes that seemed to filled with an emotion he couldn't put his finger on. 


George said in his british accent, still spiteful over his never-ending blush.

"i think i should take you to a party tonight"

Dream smirked and awaited a response. His grin was wiped clean when he saw a sense of worry on the brunette's face.

"it'll-there will be so many people"

George looked down in embarrassment. If only he wasn't so timid, then he could do things like party without feeling so anxious. If only people hadn't bullied him so much when he was younger, if only.

"oh george.."

Dream walked around the wooden counter and hugged the small brunette. He felt the small boy sink into his arms as if he was always meant to be there. 

"george we don't have to go"

George looked up from having his face buried in Dream's chest. His eyes met the emerald ones with a sad smile. 

"no i want to"

George whispered softly. Dream rubbed the brunettes back and nodded in understanding. He knew that the anxiety coming with public events wasn't a joke and he wanted to be there for George.

Dream pulled George away from him after a moment, holding him at arms length. He kept his hands on the brunettes shoulders and leaned down to look at him closely. 

"ill pick you up at 7 ok?"

Dream searched the smaller boys eyes for any sign of worry but he found none. George smiled and nodded as Dream left the store.



maybe like a 10 things i hate about you type vibe? (like the party scene)

idk ill figure it out anyway

lmk what you think 

stay safe everyone :))

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