Chapter 9: "What did you do?!"

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Chapter 9: "What did you do?!"

Delilah's P.O.V.

We all stood around Jack, snickering loudly at my handiwork, this attracted the elves' attention and the jingling of their bells attracted the Yeti's attention and soon enough, three fourths of the workshop were crowding around us, catching glimpses of what was going on. And eventually everyone was laughing, chuckling, rolling on the floor, or giggling. Needless to say, I was proud of myself.

However, all of the laughter woke poor Jackie up. "What's going on guys? Didn't I fall asleep in one of the extra bedrooms?" He questioned groggily as he ran his fingers through his hair. We all held back chuckles, some of us (Bunny, North, Sandy, and I) looked at him like he wasn't some 80's makeup model, and then some of us (Tooth and the Elves) had a really hard time and their faces were turning redder than Frostie's lips while retaining laughter.

I kept my cool (no pun intended) and said, "Jack. Why don't you go fix your hair in the bathroom, it's a little messy." He looked back at me,

"How bad is it?"

"Bad enough to make Tooth fall on the ground laughing" I sighed as I pointed to Tooth whom was yet again rolling on the floor.

"Oh, ok" He then got up and went to the bathroom. I held up my fingers and silently counted back from three.


Two... here it is...

One... he was in the bathroom with the door closed.

"DELILAH! WHAT DID YOU DO?!" Jack hollered as he flew out of the bathroom full speed towards me.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" I yelled as Bunny opened a tunnel below me, "Thanks Bunny!" I called to him while I slid down the tunnel that lead to who knows where, my hair flying behind me, and Jack following close behind, fuming mad that I had screwed up his "gorgeous face" (his words not mine)

The tunnel's end was approaching quickly and I saw that it led to the warren (no surprise there Bunny) and luckily I could use the end of the tunnel as a ramp to make myself take off at a higher speed and altitude.

I braced myself for flight, now feet away from the end of the tunnel, Jack was gaining on me now; he was almost able to grab my pink hair that still fluttered behind me. A second later, I was no longer in the mossy stone-like tunnel and flying above the stream that the marsupial paints his eggs in, sadly Frosty was ready too and didn't further relish me by landing in the tie-dye stream.

"Hey Frostie, tit for tat right?" I giggled, "It's only fair! After all you did this," I held up my hair, " to me!!"

"I don't care! You totally mutilated my face with that makeup!!! Not to mention my nails?!" He roared; only I could clearly tell that he had forgiven me, just a bit by the slight smirk that was present on his face.

"I never saw a guy care this much about his hair, nails, or makeup!" I laughed still speeding away from him. I wasn't paying attention to what was in front of me because I was too preoccupied looking at the show that took place behind me and I sadly crashed into one of the resident cherry blossom trees, engulfing me in pink flowers, a mess of my hair, and Jack.

Jack had caught up with me and was now sitting on the branch I had crashed on top of, "What should I do for my revenge?" He joked with a wide grin on his face, "More hair dye? No. That's too predictable," A diabolical and cunning grin now resided in his lips, "I guess I could do this!" Smiling, he took his staff and froze my shirt and butt to the tree.

"Jack," I was worried now, "what are you doing?" He continued to freeze my shirt to the tree and when he was satisfied, he put his staff down and slowly began to tickle my feet. I let out a laugh that I poorly stifled.

His fingers then began to furiously tickle my toes and feet, earning loud squeals, laughs, giggles, and my echoing calls of, "Jack stop, I get your point!" That were probably gurgled between the insane laughter.

This carried on for several more minutes and I was at the point that I would pee my pants laughing, then suddenly he stopped. I caught my breath and the frost that connected me to the tree melted. We just stared at each other for minutes, or maybe hours.

But the gaze was broken by some slow clapping rang out through the once warm and comforting, but now eerie silence. Jack and I were on our feet;staffs in hand, ready to defend ourselves need be.

"What a lovely moment, so touching. The only thing that would have made it more enjoyable would be a bit of fear," an unfamiliar British accent called out.

"Pitch! What are you doing here?" Jack hollered back after a second.

One of the shadows in the warren began to move, slowly coming out of the ground to form a man... in a dress. I dropped my stance and just died laughing at Pitch, I wasn't on the floor, but I wasn't at my best posture either. A minute after I regained my composure, Pitch rolled his eyes and began to speak once again.

"Are you done? Good. Now Frost, I am not here for trouble I have actually," he began to mumble this, it was inaudible to me, but Mr. Frost had no problem hearing it, and he was shocked.

"You? Come for our help?" Jack mused, "What would trigger this, may I ask?"

"Listen. It may seem shocking, but I actually... care. about someone, and they have been brainwashed by the Sun."

"Isn't that something the American C.I.A. Can help with?"

"No because it just so happens that this person is my daughter who may or may not be Mother Nature."

I stood there, confused, my jaw on the floor. 'I am going to have a hard time keeping up with this one' was what a mind reader would have heard, had they used their power on me through that set of dialogue.

I guess that was clear to Pitch too, he looked at Jack, "How new is she?" He then gestured to me, "She seems completely lost."

"I am," I spoke out, "Okay, first of all; the Sun is a person?!" I yelled out, "I thought it was just Manny?!"

"Nope, the Sun is a person too." Jack answered nonchalantly

"More specifically a woman." Added Pitch

"Ok, now that that's squared away; how the shuck could Mother flipping Nature be hypnotized?! She's all like 'pew pew, look at me I've got weather powers, lightning pew pew!' It's hard to even find her!"

Both of them laughed at my antics, but I was thoroughly confused, and the look on my face made them understand.

Pitch sighed, "I think my daughter, Seraphina as I had known her. Is holding a grudge against me, she thought I abandoned her, when I..." he cut himself off, his voice broke a bit as he said, "when I thought her to be dead, she didn't understand why I did what I did."

Now I was more confused than ever,
I think Jack was too, but Jack was able to say,

"Come on we should go to the pole, and share this with every one else, see what they think." And off we went.

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