Long time no see!

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Hi everyone!
I'm sure you're at this point wondering why the long MIA author of this book you've long since archived or forgotten about is reaching out all these years later, but I'm here to let you know I have 3 chapters of the reboot up and I'm working on the fourth! 
In my personal opinion, the reboot is better quality writing and In some ways would probably be more unhinged and in others less but I, personally can't stand reading this- hence the overhaul. There's also an aim on including more slice of life type stuff if that's what I can even call it as well as the eventual romance and plot business.
So if you were interested in the rewrite at all, it's under the same title with a similar cover. If you don't want to search, you can also check it out on my profile.
Alternatively, if you've outgrown these characters, have a nice life, I shan't bother you again.

And with that, this iteration of the book is hereby going to be marked as *completed*

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