Why Lindsey Hates Soccer

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"There is no way in hell that I'm going to a soccer game!" I yelled, arms crossed and a glare across the big table. "I hate the sport!"

Louis looked really sad at that comment, and Harry laid a comforting hand on his shoulder. We were all getting ready to leave for his game. That's right, game. No one told me it was /soccer/ until last minute, hoping they'd get me to go. Bastards.

"Who all wants to go to this game anyway?" I mumbled. Harry's hand shot up, and Louis smile returned to his face. Mike's hand followed. (don't ask me why Mike hasn't left yet- probably because of Zayn.) Once Mike's was in the air, Zayn's followed. Kaylen put her hand up, a girlish smile on.

"I like soccer~! James played soccer!" The whole table of girls groaned. James was a kid in our high school that Kaylen had the biggest crush on.

Niall's hand followed hers. "Can't let my girl go alone!" He laughed nervously, and from across the table Hayley grinned. The two were continuously sharing suspicious glances at each other. I had to get to the bottom of it.

I looked at the remaining group. Liam, Lexi, Hayley, Josh and I.

"Well, you guys can all go to the game! We," I spread my hands around the table, "Can go to the zoo!"

It was decided then, and the two groups split up. I was sad I wasn't going to get to see some Larry action, but I handed Harry some flowers to give to Louis after the game.

You're probably wondering what happened to Monika, right? Well, after hours of searching for her on the beach, along with an angry call from the producer, there was not a sign of Monika.

We found one of the boats on our dock missing though, so after a few gruesome calls to the coast guard, the search for Monika was on.

I think it's better for her anyway. She doesn't have to see the Mike on Zayn action. The two were inseparable, and after some of the stuff I caught on my camera's, well..


I was squished in the backseat of Zayn's car, right between Mike and Niall. Even though Mike had long gotten over me, you could still feel the sense of hatred between the two.

Zayn had the front seat, driving of course. Did I mention his car was yellow? Don't ask me why he had such an obsession with the color.

Louis and Harry shared the seat in the front, Louis on Harry's lap, both blushed. If Lindsey was here she'd probably be dying.

We pulled into the soccer stadium, and Louis ran off with one last hug from Harry, declaring how late he was.

The rest of us made our way in and found our seats. Would it surprise you if I said I was stuck between Mike and Niall again? The seats went from the seat nearest the stairs down- Zayn, Mike, me, Niall, Harry. I hated karma.

I sort of wished I had gone to the zoo with Lindsey. They were probably having a fun time. I groaned and sunk down in my chair- this was not happening.

The game went fast though, thank god. Louis team got killed by the All-American Soccer team. I left to use the bathroom when it was over, and while standing in the abnormally long line, I swore I heard someone call my name.

"Kaylen! Hey, Kaylen!" I turned my head to see non other then James come running towards me. I abandoned my spot in line and ran up to him, getting a strong hug.

"James!" I laughed as we broke away from our hug, "I didn't know you were on the soccer team!"

He laughed back and told me some long story, and all the while I stood and squirmed. He noticed, and raised an eyebrow.

"You have to pee or something?" Embarrassed, I nodded. All he did was laugh and grab my hand. "Come on, you can use the guy's locker room!"


I snuck into the locker room of the 'All-American Douche Bags,' a plan for revenge in my mind. I gathered all their clothes that were scattered around, bringing them into one big pile. I could hear them all around the shower, all yelling something about a girl. I payed no mind, pulling my pants down and letting a firm stream of piss slowly coat their clothes. "Take that, you cheating bastards." I smirked.

"BooBear!" I voice called my name, and with wide eyes I looked up at the sky.

"Mum? I swear, they deserved it mum!"

"No, Louis, over here!" The voice seemed angry, "To your right!"

I turned my head to see nothing, and the voice sighed. "No, your /other/ right!"

I turned my head again, and found Kaylen hidden in one of the lockers. I gasped and pulled my pants up, wiping my hands on my pants. "Kaylen, what are you doing?!" I hissed, pulling the door open.

She was half naked from the waist down. I took at step back and covered my eyes, blushed.

"You've seen it before, you ass!" She cried, and I could tell she was frightened. "Hurry before they find me!"

I raised an eyebrow, but decided to ask no further questions. I scooped her up into my arms, careful not to touch her ass, and ran out of the room.


"Kaylen sure is taking a long time to go pee." I muttered, standing at the exit gates, waiting for her. Harry nodded, holding his flowers for Louis close.

"BooBear is taking a long time to dress.." He huffed. Mike and Zayn sat on a bench, Zayn's arm around Mike's shoulder, the two looking for Kaylen and Louis too.

From down the hall came a running Louis, carrying his soccer bag on one arm and..

"Kaylen?!" Mike and I yelled, and Harry dropped his flowers.

"No time to explain soccer team car gotta go now!" Louis yelled, dashing passed us and through the exit gates. All stunned, we stared after them for awhile, then followed.


The god damned things you miss while you're at the zoo. This is the reason I really, really hate soccer games, soccer people, and everything about the sport in general; I always miss the good stuff. Well, this wasn't one hundred percent 'good.' Kaylen was a crying mess, refusing to come out of her room. Louis had to explain everything to a very upset Harry, along with the rest of us hiding around the corner. 

Only one thing was missing now- why Kaylen was naked in the locker room. Lexi, Hayley and I decided we should maybe try and talk to her. After a long attempt to get inside her room, I found a key to open all the doors in the house. (I kept that, might I add.)

We got in and found Kaylen under her covers, crying. Well, not that this was new; Kaylen cried over everything.

After a few boxes of tissues, a bag of Hersey chocolate, and Kaylen telling us she hated soccer more than I did, we got the story out of her.

Kaylen had gone with James to the locker room- stupid move number one. I swore sometimes she was a blonde hiding in the body of a ginger. I'll make this short and spare all the sobbing details Kaylen gave us. James and his team had tried to gang rape Kaylen.

Well, all of us were in an outrage for a good while- Louis and Niall left and game back covered in blood and bruises. No one even asked.

I think all the attention she got made Kaylen feel better fast. Nothing had really happened to her, so we all moved on from the soccer thing.  

The rest of the week went pretty good. Nothing really bad happened at all, a few drunk nights, some more bonding.

Then came a Saturday about two weeks later. The Saturday that was the end of my fun.

It all started when Kaylen asked me to go to the store.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2012 ⏰

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