Did I Really Kiss Him?

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Mike didn’t speak at first; just a glare at me as he stepped inside. He glanced around the large house, and I leaned against the door frame, interest probably just smothered all over my face.

            “So, Mike..” I giggled, “What brings you to our humble abode?” He gave me a sarcastic look that obviously read, ‘You don’t know?’ I giggled once again, spinning around him and pointing to the living room.

            “The treasure you seek awaits you~” I skipped in, and he followed fast, looking around and of course not seeing any Kaylen. He glared at me and for the first time since arrival, spoke.

            “Where is she!?” He hissed, dropping his bag and walking to face me. Yes, he was tall, but I’m no wimp and stood my ground. Someone cleared their throat, and he turned around to look right at the computer screen. At this point, Kaylen and Niall were beyond even making out. Niall’s shirt was gone, and I don’t think I saw any pants on Kaylen. Mike was enraged.

            “Where. Are. They.” He yelled, turning to me. With a bow I pointed him up the stairs, and he skipped two at a time to get too the top. The rest of the gang followed fast, and soon we were in my room. Mike didn’t waste a moment before running and throwing my closet door open.

            Kaylen and Niall tumbled out, a mess of limbs and nakedness. Both pulled apart from their kiss, Kaylen red and Niall looking a little too accomplished. Giggled erupted from behind me, and in front of me, Mike was a dark, angry red.

            “Get off of her!” He screamed at Niall, who glared up at him and pulled himself away from Kaylen, standing and brushing himself off. Kaylen sat and rubbed her lips, a fierce blush on her face.

            “Who are you and why should I listen to you?” Niall laughed, standing up and grinning at Mike, who clenched his fists and glared daggers at Niall. The room was deathly silent as Niall took only two step forwards before catching his foot on my shoe and falling right at Mike.

            Lips met as the shorter man pushed Mike down and landed right on top of him. Niall was too shocked to move, lying over Mike’s flailing arms. They’re lips stayed connected. I held back a giggle, and all eyes behind me were wide. Kaylen had the most disgusted look on her face I’d ever seen.

            “Sometimes..” Zayn said suddenly, breaking the shocking silence, “When puppies cry..” He looked up at the sky, “Yellow, is a color.”

The rest of the day was very awkward. After finally pulling apart Niall and Mike, everyone went their own separate ways. Kaylen sobbed in the bathroom for awhile until Lexi managed to get her out. It wasn’t until later when Niall suggested we go clubbing that everything seemed to slowly fall back into place. We all got dressed up. Well, everyone but me. Kaylen picked some fancy purple pants and a cute hang over the shoulder shirt. Lexi and Hayley decided to match, wearing red jeans and a black top each. Monika wore a yellow dress, and Zayn legit never stopped looking at her. I threw on a pair of black jeans and some random white tee. It was only a club.

The boys got us all in, including Mike, who seemed to stalk us now. He had apparently come to Nova Scotia to visit his grandmother, who was so out of it he left the house and came to ours.

The night went oddly fast. Drinking for the first time was actually pretty cool. I refused to get drunk though, someone needed to care for these idiots. I slipped off to the bathroom at some point, yawning and rubbing my eyes. I hoped they’d be ready to leave soon. I heard a giggle that I knew was Kaylen’s coming from the outside, so I slipped inside the single stall in the bathroom, listening. The door opened, and I heard another giggle and then a breathy moan.

I blinked, eyes wide. That had been Kaylen’s giggle, and therefore must have been Kaylen’s moan. I climbed up on the toilet seat, and just glanced over the edge. Kaylen was sitting up on the sink, pants missing and Niall leaning over her, whispering into her ear.

“I have a condom.”

“Is it Latex?”


“I’m allergic. Just fuck me.”

I slunk back into the stall, covering my mouth and holding back laughter, anger, and a mix of feelings. Kaylen was about to be fucked by Niall Horan without a condom. This, this I had to tell everyone.

I sat at our table, listening to Liam and Zayn chat and talk with everyone. I had watched Niall drag Kaylen away a few moments ago, and Hayley and Josh were off dancing to the latest loud song. Monika and Zayn were laughing about something Mike had said, and somehow Harry and Louis had gotten stuck in traffic and just headed back home. Normally, Lindsey and I would be chatting right now, but she was off in the bathroom.

Do you know those moments when the music stops and the DJ is about to say something? Well, that moment happened, and as it did a voice that could only belong to one person rang throughout the whole club. Lindsey had perfect timing.

“Kaylen is loosing her virginity to Niall on the sink in the bathroom!!” Funny how thirteen simple words can make a whole entire club go silent.

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