Thirty Minutes in Heaven and a Surprise Guest

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The next morning is what one can describe as pure Hell. I had been one of the first to wake, and quickly slipped some of my own cameras throughout the house. I wasn’t going to wait for the show to see all the good stuff! Next awake was Harry, who trotted past me installing a camera in his closet with a grunt. Not a morning person, I suppose. Of course, about twenty minutes later, I was thrown from my ladder when trying to place a camera in Kaylen’s room. She had already been awake, and I knew know what had made her scream.

            “NIALL HORAN OH MY GOD IT’S REALLY YOU OH. MY. GOD.” Thump. I made my way down the stairs, to where Niall stood with a stunned look on his face and Kaylen lay in a twitching heap at his feet. Alexis was watching Liam with wide eyes, who had followed me down the stairs.

            Let me just say; the next fifteen to twenty minutes was a huge scream feast. I’m sure the cameras just loved this. I watched with a smirk and a cup of tea as almost every boy got fanned over. I had this experience last night, so I could sit back and relax as the boys were glomped and the girls squealed.

            After about twenty five minutes though, I got a bit bored of it, and stood. “Alright, that’s enough!” I yelled, and the whole room went quiet. The boys were all looking at me with thanks, and I snickered. Those looks would soon be gone.

            “Let’s play a game~” I giggled, and everyone looked at me with question, “Don’t worry, it’s a fun game!” Well, to me at least. I grinned as I ushered everyone into a nice circle on the floor. Kaylen had woken back up eventually, and was sitting next to me, eyes locked on Niall.

            “I’m sure you’ve all heard of Thirty Minutes in Heaven!” I smiled, and Kaylen looked over at me.

            “It’s seven!” She hissed.

            “Thirty, silly.” I laughed.


            “Thirty.” I hissed, elbowing her in the side. She blinked, but it slowly came to her.

            “Oh yeah, thirty!” She smiled, messing with her hair like always. I rolled my eyes and sat the bottle down.

            “Alright, everyone,” I clapped my hands, “Close your eyes!” I got some puzzled expressions, and Niall was finally the one who said something.

            “I’ve never played a game where you had to close your eyes and spin the bottle..” He muttered, and I glared at him.

            “Well, Mr. Horan. I don’t know how you play this silly game over in happy little Scotland-“

            “Ireland.” Kaylen muttered,

            “But over in America,” I continued, “We play it like this. Now close your eyes!” I yelled, and everyone did as told. Well, everyone but me.

            With a grin and a chuckle, I spun the bottle that was in the center of all of us. It ended up landing on Lexi. “Well, looks like we have Kaylen!”

            Again I spun; the bottle landed on Liam. Whoops. “And finally, Niall!” I grinned, moving the bottle so it was on the Irishman. All eyes opened, and Niall went red. Kaylen, on the other hand, was up bouncing around.

            I sent them to my closet, because I knew that the camera I had put in there worked without flaw. Once in I pulled my laptop out and started it up. There on the screen were every camera I had set up in the house; all working perfect. I clicked on the one that was in my closet. I could see the two inside, both looking very awkward and standing at opposite sides of the tiny space. At this point, everyone was leaning over my shoulder to see what happened. There were snickers coming from the boys and giggles from the girls.             I watched Kaylen mess with her hair like always, looking at the floor. If our gym teacher would have been here, Kaylen would have been doing laps. I sort of wished I could be in there to shove her at him.

            Thankfully, fate had seemed to be on my side. Kaylen took a step forward and tripped on one of my shoes.

            She landed right in Niall’s arms, and they were face to face, both eyes wide. If this wasn’t night vision, I’m sure you could have seen the blush on their cheeks. Kaylen leaned up and Niall down and their lips met. Everyone busted out laughing, and at that moment the doorbell rang. Everyone was too locked on the computer screen to notice, so I wiggled my way free and trotted over to the front door, pulling it open.

            A tiny grin spread across my lips. “Why, hello Mike.”

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