Chapter 2

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$$ hey sorry the first chapter was supper short I will try to make this one longer kk? K. Thanks for reading everyone. Ily my turtles. Maddie out. $$

I walk into my first hour of my first day at my new school. It couldn't have been worse. My locker got jammed and someone tripped me on the way here so everything that I previously organized was all messed up. Great. Okay this class is.... geometry. Right. Okay. I searched for my geo book and notebook. Then I sat down. A gorgeous brunette walked in and sat next to me.
"Omg Hi! Are you new!?" The perky girl said.
"Uh yea, actually I am." I akwardly said. Why couldn't I have just said yeah. Gosh now I bet she thinks I was being rude.
"Oh sorry my name is Raquel. I'm on Student Council and Gymnastics if you want to join a group those are some." She smiled. Wow, she was sure happy to see a new face here. Maybe she doesn't have many friends either. Wait no, why wouldn't she have friends. She is gorgeous, and in Gymnastics. Duh.
"Oh uh yea but not right now. I'm just going to focus on studying."
"Ok yea that makes sense. So what made you move here in the middle of the school year?" I fiddled with my hands. What do I say to that? I can't just say that my dad was a drunk and that he wasn't really aware that I am alive.
"I, uhh.. my mom got transferred." I lied.
"Oh okay! My dad got transferred when I was five but my parents are divorced so I got to stay here!" She smiled hugely. Doesn't her face hurt from smiling so much?
The teacher walked in.

After class I found out that me and Raquel have all but two classes together so me and her walked to class together. She invited me to her house after school but I told her that I should study to catch up. As I walked home I was thinking about how nice it will be to have a friend now. But how will I keep her away from my house? She can't find out that I don't actually have a mom... Well some high school students do have pretty old parents. I guess it will be okay. I look up from the sidewalk and realize that I have no idea where I am. *sigh* okay I guess I'll call grams.
*ring*...*ring* ... *ring*
"Hello!? Andi?? What's wrong!?" Grams screeched into the phone.
"Relax Grams, I'm fine. I just got lost on my way home."
"Oh thank goodness. Where are you I'll come pick you up bubbles." I laughed at the child nickname she called me. I got that name as a child partly because I was fat, and partly because I had an obsession with bubbles.
"I am somewhere next to Bob's Car Parts, and an old vintage coffee shop looks like."
"Okay yea I know where you are now. I'll be right there."

I walked into the coffee shop and bumped into two people, spilling their freshly brewed, hot coffee all over everybody. Great, an even better day.
"Oh my gosh I am soo sorry!" I wailed. I looked up and it was Raquel and another girl.
"Ugh can you believe this girl Raq? You better pay for our coffees you little brat. One of my favorite outfits. Ruined." Okay is this girl serious? She sounds like a villain from a Barbie movie. Looked like one too.
"No it's fine Vic I know her." Raquel smiled at me.
"You know this clumsy pile of cheap clothes?" Okay why does her judgment on people have to revolve around quality of clothes?!
"Vic! Be nice!! This is...? Omg im so sorry I forgot to ask you name earlier! I'm so sorry!" Raquel nervously said.
"Haha it's okay. My name is Andi." I reassured her.
"Isn't that a dudes name." The Vic girl said.
"Uh yea. It can be." I frowned. Who does this girl think she is? A brat queen?
"Okay whatever we have to go now." Vic said as a suburban pulled up to the curb.
"It was nice to see you!" Raquel said as she walked outside.

I sat down at a cute little booth that was very cold. And waited for my Grandma.


Once I got home I went to my room. There were still boxes scattered all over the floor. I got my homework done and started to play my guitar. I loved playing covers, but I can't find a way to write a song that sounds right at all. Whatever. I put my guitar down and went to bed.


The next day I got to school and met Raquel by my locker and we walked to class. Everyday for about a month it went like this but I never went to her house. And we never hung out after school. She never asked and I never offered. Then one day, she changed her schedule. She said that the classes were too hard. I didn't believe it though. She had perfect scores in all her classes she had with me. So the next day I went to her locker and asked why she really changed.
"Why did you change schedules. And I mean for real. I know that the classes weren't too hard. I saw your scores." She looked a little nerves.
"Well uh, Vic told me to change so we could have classes together." She said.
"Are you sure that's the only reason." I wasn't buying it.
"And she doesn't like you so she doesn't want me to hangout with you." She said it all in one sentence so I had to process it all before I could react.
"Don't you want to tell her the last part or should I have the honor?" Vic said as she walked over.
Raquel was silent.
"Okay well Andi, turns out that Raq here was only your friend to get high scores by either cheating or just being able to study during class with you. A truly beautiful thing, she is learning from me so fast. Don't you think?" She snarked.
I gasped. How could she... What? "Raquel did you really?" Raquel slowly nodded with tears in her eyes.
"Now I see I have to work on her guilty feelings. She is in bitch training. Didn't she do a good job? I'm so proud. now she can go around breaking boy's hearts!" I was discusted. What kind of person would do that on purpose. "You guys are discusting." With that I walked away. It was a short lived friendship, but my first and only one in highschool. They proceeded to make my life torture just because of that one thing I said to them. They made up rumors and made everyone think I am discusting. So there went my trusting ability.

*out of flashback*

I hate thinking of my past. And now I am going back to the place where it all was made. Bring on the hell hole.

$$ hey turtles hope you are having a good Valentines Day I know I'm not. If you aren't either consider this a present from me and know that I love you babe ;) 😍😘 Maddie out $$

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