Chapter 3

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After dropping off my bags at my mom's not too shabby house, I drove to the practice ceremony thing. I forgot how small this town is. Sure a couple buildings have been built in the years I was absent but it's still really small. I roll down my window and let my crimson hair dance in the wind.

I roll up to the parking lot and park my car next to some blue pick-up. The license plate said HUNTER98. That explains a lot about that guy. I walked into the building and the first person I see is my step dad. He was tall and had brown hair that had with silver streaks. He walked up to me and gave me a big warm loving hug.
"So how's Miami or wherever you are now?" He smiled. He was totally okay with me figuring things out for now. My mother on the other hand, had a cow the first time I told her I didn't know who I was.
"I am still there, don't worry. And it's great. I have a cool apartment and really nice neighbors." Maybe some of them are nice, but most yell at there pets and complain about everything. Joyful, I know.
"Oh that's great sweetie! I'm sure you want to see Dawn, she is over there by the stairs." He said while pointing in the direction of my sister.
"Thanks." I started walking towards her and I started to see the glares from my family members. I came from a very strict and "perfect" family. They were the card board cutout example of an American family. Mom was cheerleader, never drank or partied. Also got straight A's and my Dad was the star football player, also never drank or partied, well until my mom divorced him, but he also got straight A's. Along with the older generations. Both went to Nevada State, my step dad is a lawyer and my mom is an accountant. So you can probably see why, me a non-sporty girl who gets C's to B's is looked down upon. And to add to their hatred, I dropped out of school and didn't go to college right away. I messed up their "perfect chain of families". Well they can deal with their shit in the confinements of their houses because I don't care. I'm not gonna let them mold me into some fake factory made girl.

I finally see my sister laughing at something the pastor said and I rush over to her.
"Hey Dawn!! I haven't seen you in forever girl how are you?!" I gave her a true big smile.
"I am great, perfect actually now that your here. Oh you make me feel so less stressed. Thank god you could make it." She truly look relieved. Me and her had a very tight relationship during highschool because I was depressed and she was the only one who really knew. When we were younger though, we fought all the time.

"Well, to tell you the truth, the thing that made me get out of bed this morning was the thought of mom's cooking so...?" I giggled and smiled while she rolled her eyes, "oh whatever I still love you." She looked away and saw our mom.
"Hey mom Andi is here!!" She yelled across the room to her. My mother looked over and forced a smile on her face.
" oh Andi hi... How is what ever your doing now going?" She looked away, uninterested.
" I have a part time job at a library for putting books away and stuff and it's going really well." My mom looked over. " oh that's nice sweetie, say have you met my coworkers son?" This happens constantly. She thinks once I find a boy and he is the right one and we get married, everything will work out. My depression and drinking problems can't just disappear like she wants them to.

"Ahh no I haven't mom, but I'm sure he is just like dad." I roll my eyes. I really didn't want to have to make small talk with a goody goody today. Gosh they are so annoying. Agreeing with everything you say in hopes that you will like them, not everybody is going to like you. You are allowed to not like some people.
"Oh no sweetie, he is kind of like you in a way. But more polite. He tried college out but didn't think it suited him, whatever that means, there is always a college that suits a person. Maybe he didn't look hard enough. At least he looked unlike you. Anyway, he now is making YouTube videos about his life, it has gotten pretty big and he has traveled around because of it. He is a really interesting character."
I just nodded. It's good that she is ranging out to other types of boys, other than preppy college master minds.

"Sure mom whatever." I agreed so she would get off my back. I was really not looking forward to meeting him, but whatever. If I don't meet this guy then it will just be another one and this guy seems like I will be able to stand. "Okay well come on then, you are going to sit by him during the practice ceremony." Whatever. She led me down the aisle and sat me down next to this really hot guy (they usually are) with brown hair that was styled in a quif.

"Ello luv"

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2015 ⏰

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