Chapter 7

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Cassana's P.O.V.

"I think I'm alright to leave now, Maester Ameon." I said assuringly.

Ameon sighed in surrender. "Just be sure to take it easy, stay simple. Don't think too much."

"I promise I'll be careful." I promised and with that he let me leave.

When I walked outside the cold air blew my hair to the other side of my head while tangling it at the same time.

My head still ached a bit but thankfully I was able to walk with complete balance.

To the left I could hear the sound of steel against steel in the courtyard. I looked over towards my dorm, then turned on my heels and followed the sound.

There were people gathered in a circle while people fought in the center. Despite the struggle I managed to break through the men, putting myself in the front row.

An overweight boy stood there cowardly behind Jon who stood at his defense. Grenn Pyp and Rast were chosen by Aliser Thorne to get to the boy they referred to as "Lady Piggy". Rast didn't take a second thought before he charged at Jon. After him, Pyp came charging, clearly reluctant.

Within less than a minute both men were lying injured or bleeding on the ground. Jon took a step towards Grenn but immediately he dropped his sword and surrendered. Rast spit at Jon's feet as he sauntered off in shame.

Aliser was seemingly unpleased by the outcome and instructed the coward to clean the armory as that was all he was good for.

After a small lecture from the trio to learn self defense, the boy revealed his name, Sam. I leaned against the same cobble stone wall where I had made the bargain for the sword as Sam admitted to being a coward.

"Cassana!" A voice called from a distance, down the alley I was standing in front of. The blacksmith came running down with something long, wrapped in brown cloth.

"Here." He placed the object in my hands.

It was long, and hard like steel, it was heavy, yet manageable. It was the sword.

"Thank you." Was the only thing I could manage to say in my astonishment at how fast it had been forged.

"I hope it will do the job."

"Yes, I believe it will." I replied. The man nodded his head and walked back down the dark, narrow alley.

I looked back over to the now nearly empty court yard. Grenn and Pyp had abandoned Jon when they began to play rough like two young pups.

I approached him when they had completely exited, chasing one another.

"What are you doing out here?" He asked me with a smile.

I sheepishly looked down at feet.

"You should be resting." He said placing a gentle hand on my forehead.

"I wanted to thank you." I said, blood rushing to my cheeks giving them the rosy color we all know as "blush".

"My pleasure, no one should get away with that." He answered.

"What's that?" He asked, reaching for the sword but I switched hands quickly and held it behind my back.

"It's nothing." I stated simply, an awful lie.

"Alright." He sighed, his dark curls falling I front of his face with a sly half smile.

"You really should get some rest though, can I escort you?" He continued.

"You may." I smiled joyously.

I kept the carefully wrapped, beautiful piece of steel on the other side of me while he walked me back to my chambers, he even held the door open for me to enter, yet he remained outside the door frame.

"Take care of yourself." He said sincerely.

"I will," I said drumming my fingers on the hilt of the sword behind my back. "I will."

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