Chapter 1

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Cassana's P.O.V

I stood in a small room at the tallest towers at castle black the wall, The lance. It was over two hundred feet tall, abandoned and slowly crumbling.

The windows of the tower had no glass at the highest room. The tower was abandoned anyway. It was more like they just took out one big block of stone. In that space I like to sit on the windows cill with my legs swinging over the edge.

It's a good thing no one comes in this tower. One little tap on the shoulder and I'd be gone. No one really even knows I come here. The men below are to busy to look up at a withering tower.

The window has a good view. I could see the court down below and all the boys training. I wanted to train with them. I was meant to work in the kitchens but none of the chefs let me do anything. If I knew how to fight, maybe I'd gain some respect.

The cold wind blew at my back and I gripped the side of the stone window cill hard and shivers slightly. I could feel the cold coming off the wall.

I swung my legs and listened as they bumped against the stone bricks. I could hear ravens talking and flying above me. Even with the sound of swords banging it was somehow relaxing to be up hear.

This is where I spend most of my day. Sitting up hear daydreaming of what might of been. Thinking about what it might of been like to of been a legitimate child of Mace and Alerie Tyrell.

To have parents that loved me. To not talk down to me and hug me when I'm sad, that made me feel safe in times of fear, to never put me to shame, and care for me while I'm ill.

It would of been nice while if I was a Tyrell, not a Flower

As I sat on the window cill kicking my legs softly I thought about what it would be like to be a bird. If I were a bird I could just jump from this window and down the tower, and just when I'm about to hit the ground, I'd spread my wings and fly. I could score beyond the wall and finally see what lies deep into the haunted forest, and even go back to Highgarden. I could go anywhere, even Essos. I'd be free.

As the wind blew my straight brown hair back I caught sight of the gates below opening. It was the new recruits Benjen and Yoren had brought back. I sized all the new boys to see if any of them would be useful to the wall. There was the Imp but I knew he wouldn't be staying. Two boys from Yoren, but they seemed sort of scrawny to me. I found my self leaning forward to get a better look at the boys. I didn't want to risk anything so I got of the cill and just looked through the window.

One boy seemed like he would fit the wall nicely. He was tallish, obviously fit, you could tell he was strong just my looking at him, and he had curly black hair. I think he was related to Benjen Stark, he looked like him.

Jon's P.O.V.

My heart started pounding harder as the carriage pulled up closer to the gates. When we came to a halt Uncle Benjen got out and said a few words to one of the men behind the thick wood and iron doors. As the heavy doors opened slowly I literally thought the my heart would explode, and that I'd die before I actually got to see the wall.

Finally the gates opened wide enough for the carriage to ride through.

Yoren took his boys elsewhere but I had to stay with Benjen while he did some work with the other men before he took me to my chambers. I was just kind exploding the place with me eyes for a bit. I looked over some of the towers. Most of them were abandoned and crumbling. Like the Kings Tower and The Lance. But in the Lance I saw something.

I shielded my eyes from the sun, and there in the tallest room of the Lance was a girl. She seemed to be looking down at us. Examining us, maybe.

"Uncle Benjen, is there a girl here?" I asked him.

"Yes, actually. She's been here two years now. Her names Cassana, she works in the kitchens. I don't remember her story though.." He said, his voice trailing off as he got back to work.

I looked back up and was now aware that she was looking directly at me. When she noticed I was staring back at her she slowly turned around and walked away from the window. Out of my sight.

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