Class president and USJ

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(The picture above have no contact with this story)
No one's POV

Izuku started out of the window he didn't hear what anyone he was brought back to the reality to be met with the glowing red eyes izuku didn't Even flinch wich shocked everyone Even Aizawa ''what?'' Izuku asken dumfounded
''We are gonna select class president do you want to be selectez?'' ''No is my final answer'' then and there shocked everyone not Aizawa he just nodded the day went out until it was lunch the alarm for villain attack or no
student/teacher alarms trough the whole school izuku sat at his desk with headphones o. Since he sensitiv to loud alarms (no one knows only Hisashi(guardian) and izuku knows why)
Class started everyone looked at izuku, Aizawa touched his shoulder he took of the headphones and put them and Aizawa began the lesson

«The next USJ»
No one's POV

The students of 1-a waited for the buss then it came every person could sit exept izuku he was last in and had to sit with his teacher( i don't thinn that happend på h### it is my story)
They sat i silence the others in the buss argued, izuku got sleepy and fell asleep on Aizawa's shoulder and soon he feel asleep, the class fell silent and took pictures they were like a
father and son.
Then the buss stopped the two woke and looked at each other izuku had a hard to notice blush(of embaresment) Aizawa had wide eyes and a slightly blush(also of embaresment)
They went to 13 the space hero she talked about the danger of quirks.

Aizawa's POV
We were Walking inside the USJ when i looked back at my class when saw izuku he looked like he was uneasy i walked beside him''hey what is wrong?'' I whispered ''i feel Like something bad is gonna happend'' he said i nodded and we continued Walking when i saw a portal i seems really familiar i looked at my Class they were sucked in i tok look to my side were izuku was i tok him in hold and jumped with him out of the way'' are you okay?'' ''Yes i am'' ''Good now go to 13 he can protect you and the rest that is here, i am gonna go and fight the villains.'' I started runing he sat there on the floor he went to the rest that was there.

Izuku's POV

I was Walking to 13 we had been there for some minutes then the portal villain was behind me i tried to say somthing but before i could do anything he had a grip on my neck
i was forced to walk with 13 couldn't do anything and i understood she didn't want me to Get huet of her quirk he toktet back in the portal then we was in the sentral were the leader was'' you got the boy...i don't understand why master wanted this boy as hostage and that we couldn't hurt him so he ended up in the hospital'' ''it was wierd but he is quiet that is something usualy they are noisy and can't shut up'' i raised my hand the boy looked ''what is it'' ''i think he qanta to say something'' ''thank you'' was all that i said

Aizawa's POV
Looked at the students and i noticed izuku was gone looked around and saw him with the leader i tried to get there so that i could free him it was Nice when we slept there it feelt right cinda(the father and son vibe:) )
So i wanted to save him not only because of he is my student couse i wanted to when they sett him free but still sat there.
I ran towards him but a monster cam trough the portal o tried to fight it but it was stronger

Izuku's POV
I looked at the leader and then at thw mist guy with no tought i ran to save my teacher i used my quirk to make a pulse and pushed him the monster crashed in the wall i shecked my teacher he had a broken arm the monster came back with a hold of my head and trew me against the wall i think i blacked out

Aizawa's POV
I saw izuku punsh the villain and then went to me he checked me and saw my broken arm. Before he could do anything he was thrown int the wall hard i looked at him and i saw blood down his face i looked back at the leader he looked at izuku i tried to move to him it didn't work''Hey Eraser Head what would you dl if i killes him'' ''i would kill YOU FIRST'' '' oh wow what about the other students?'' ''THE SAME!''
I walked to izuku and Grabs his arm with four fingers ''kurogiri was the plan to take him with us or just hostage'' ''it was only to take him hostage'' ''ok''

The. Allmight came trough the door and fought the monster and deafeted it the leader went back to their base probably. I looked back at izuku ''izuku?...izuku?...IZUKU!?...''
Come on don't die on me
''Hey we need a ambulanse fast he is losing blood'' his pulse gets lower then a ambulace come and Get him they took him from me but since i need a hospital myself i sat in the ambulace on the parent/guardian place it feelt wierd but we got there.
Izuku was rushet to surgery i was put in bandages on a hospital bed hizashi
(Present Mic) came in he hugges me and told me everything that happend after wards.
''Were is izuku?'' ''ummm...? Your student?''
''Yes? I need to know how he is doing last thing i know is that he is in surgery'' ''well they say that he is allright and well and should only take it easy the next few days'' ''Okay but do you know why he was taken hostage and no one else?'' ''no sorry i don't know'' it is fine''

'I just hope it doesn't happen'

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