DNA test! And the letter

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Aizawa's POV

I was Watching problem child Mic slept front of his bed where a pillow was( if you don't remember just go to part 8) i sat there Watching him sleep i was happy that it was the end of the week or i'll have to wake him up he looks so peacefull i don't want him to wake up wierd i know Mic started to wake up
''Has he still not woken up?'' Mic asked wanting to know if he was awake''no he hasn't...i cinda don't want him to wake up he looks so peacefull'' i said ''i Wonder did we take off his clothes?'' Mic asked ''no i didn't '' i said ''i didn't either''Mic said ''so how did he change?!'' We both said ''Maybe he woke up and changed himself or...'' a female voice said ''it was me''she said i looked behind me and saw nemuri Aka midnight she was smiling at us
We screamed in fear i think we woke him up we looked towards the bed izuku was blushing since he just woke up to 2 men screaming Like small girl's
''Umm could you guys Get out so i could change?'' We all nodded and went outside
When he came out he wore a little big shirt with white small stripes that had a turtle neck and blue jeans and some Adidas shoes that was white with 3 black stripes( the picture above for the clothes but the Adidas shoes it is the Classic shoes) ''ummm why where you in my dorm room!'' He asked something i didn't want to answer looked at Mic and midnight and they nodded i looked him ''izuku you guardian was in an acident...we are sorry for your loss'' he looked at me with lifeless eyes ''wait so he is dead for real this time?'' He asked we all nodded ''oh Okay 'Ahem' so what am i gonna do i have no one that can take care of me?''he said i was shocked he wasn't like last night Maybe he cried it all out ''we don't know since you had a guardian you probably don't have parents but if we take a DNA test Maybe we can find out if your parents are alive or dead we can find out'' i said he looked at me with a little shinealmost unoticeble but there ''Okay i can do that but how do you Get the the DNA'' he asked ''well you will have to take a needle then they will take some of your blood then test and see who your parents are'' Mic said but little scared when he said needle.
He looked at me scared ''i-i am S-scared of n-n-needles'' he said 'Okay! He is scared of needles so much he stutters' ''well that is Okay Hizashi is also scared of needles'' i looked at him and he nodded ''if we wanna have answer after the sports festival we should leave soon i am gonna make the call'' midnight said i looked at him he was scared ''we can Ask if you wanna have something that stops the Pain so you don't feel it?'' I said he looked at he looked at me and nodded

«1 hour later»
Aizawa's POV

When we arriwed at the doctor i could see a shiver running their spines Hizashi and  Izuku Hizashi is afraid cause he had bad expirience and izuku i don't know why but i don't know much about him anyway.
We waited in the waiting room izuku is playing with his shirt we waited for 10 minutes i was literly banging my head against the wall Hizashi was Learning izuku to do sign laungage and Nemuri was dancing
Some minutes later a doctor came in and izuku walked in but i came along since he asked me to,he sat i an chair like the dentist use he sat there scared out if his mind he got to hold my and god his grip is Like Hizashi's but 10 Harder  i kept a straight face (Even tho he is gay) it took 20 minutes to Get it i think he feel unconcuse(do not know how write do not Bully meh!) because of fear i can not blame him if he is scared he is scared, took him on my back like a Horse again i went to waiting room to see Nemuri Victory dancing on Hizashi's back and Hizashi was in pain ''Hey we need to go and Get something to eat'' i said ''why do we need to go and eat?'' Nemuri asked ''problem child broke alot of the needles i fear and and lost
2 liter of blood so he needs food to build up some energy or whatever i don't know!'' I said
''Ok''they both said

No one's POV

They went to a cafe and bought some food to everyone went inside and got ramen he wanted to pay for himself but they payed for him and said ''this is for your loss'' they said they had a Good time to drink izuku got an black coffe and Aizawa got an normal coffe nemuri got Bubble tea and Hizashi took soda when we got back to the school it was 6PM izuku went to sleep and we went home
''Today was fun don't you think'' Nemuri said ''i am shocked that he could understand what we said heck he understod sometimes what i didn't''Hiziashi said i chuckled a littel ''well he have to have above 3th Year school work so he can have a challange his thinking is really big when he mutters it is like the most advanced thing i have ever heard nezu is the one that gives him his homework'' i said they looked shocked ''well it was fun today wasn't it and when we asked if he could cuss he didn't know that wasn't that cute or not'' Nemuri said we both nodded
''Well bye see you on monday!''

«With izuku»
Izuku's POV

I reached the letter and decided to read it
I opened it with my scissor

Dear izuku

You probably know that i have sies for good this time snd i am sorry for leaving you behind but remember i am always with you no matter what and i love you no matter what
You probably asking yourself who killed me?
Well that was probably my father he is a villain and he always wanted you i never gave you away cause i love you but i want you to be carefull around him and his villain name is
he is a villain that can give,steal and keep quirk
For an example my quirk is stay if i Get a quirk it can never leave me
He has existed since quirks started
I am basacly his son so he is basacly your godgrandpa by me
But i do not want you to fight him cause that is AllMights job you are probably wonering why is it AM job well AFO had a brother and AFO gave his Brother a quirk and named it OFA but he didn't know he could transfer the quirk to another perso so the purpose of OFA is to destroy AFO
But i want you to live your life like you want it i know you don't have a phone and never taken a train and Almost never been at a doctor but k want you to learn these things so a boyght you a phone it is in the letter

You dear guardian
Hisashi Shigaraki Midorya

I had started to cry when k was done with the letter
''Thank you dad''

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