I found him?

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No one's POV

The doctors did a blood tast on Izuku to find out his blood type

Name: Izuku
After name: ?????
Blood type: AB negative
Guardian: Hisashi.S.Midorya
Quirk: soundstep and Eraser

Doctor 1: he has a rare blood type
Doctor 2: what kind of blood does he have?
Doctor 1: he has AB negative
Doctor 3: is there any paitient or blood in the blood bank?
Doctor 2: wait...yes there are his name is
Shota Aizawa
Doctor 3: we should Ask him tough but for the life of the boy we should

«When they Get to Aizawa»
Aizawa's POV

I heard a knock on my door when 3 doctors came in hizashi looked at me snd then at them
''What do you want'' i Ask ''we are here to Ask if could donate your blood to a patient?'' ''Who is the the paitent?'' ''the name of the is izuku no after name'' ''he is one of my students but why my blood?'' ''You are the only one we can reach he had a rare blood type and you can donate blood couse you have the same blood type'' ''may i know his blood type?'' They looked at each other before anwering '' he has the blood type.....AB negative'' she said cinda regretting it ''Allright i will give him my blood if i Get to see the file of his since you brobably took a bit of his blood for an sample i want to know more about him'' they looked at me'' aren't you his teacher?'' '' his quirk i don't know about'' ''well we can answer it now his quirk is soundstep and Eraser'' me and Hizashi looked at each other ''what does he have Eraser'' Hizashi said ''yes but we need need the blood now so if you could come with us'' '' why does he need new blood? I tought he was stable?'' ''yes he was'' ''was?'' ''Yes when we checked him we found out he lost alot of blood if you give like 2 liters with blood he should just be under survilans tonight then he can leave tommorow....you would probably have to stay ro so if we need more?'' ''yes i can and my husband can also stay cuz he have the same blood type as me👍'' ''oh that... that is fantastic''

«Time skip after izuku got the blood»
Still Aizawa's POV

I was in the room to izuku or problem child he was sleeping 'he needs a hair cut i don't do it cause it make me look scarier ' when i finishes that tought there was a knock at the door i opend it i meet a man with milk white hair and metallic grey eyes he was tall he wore a black   t-shirt and and blue grey pants
''Hello i am izuku's guardian could i please meet him?'' I had the feeling i need to protect izuku at al cost ''he is still asleep  so i would let him sleep since what happend to him'' ''yes i understand that but k wanna see him not talk to him'' 'he is really wierd like he wants to see problem child but nor talk to him i don't think they talk to much' '' yes you can see him'' i said i went and sat on the chair i sat on earlyer ''he seems really peacefull when he sleep doesn't he like nothing is happening around him'' i looked at him'' there is one thing he needs a hair cut'' i say to him he nods '' i wonder what is you're name?'' ''my full name is
Hisashi Shigaraki Midorya i became his guardian when i found him on the streets when he was like 6'' ''you faound him on the streets? Do you know why?'' ''i promised him that i wouldn't say it if he say i can i can do it but i have never broken the promise and i never will'' ''ok i understand but i Wonder who is his biological parents would be the only thing i know is that his quirk is soundstep and Eraser''
''It could be you and someone else...''he said lening against the wall behind him '' or it could be someone that has an Eraser quirk and the sound quirk actually came from america so it could be the father or mother had family in america or something... he never tought about these tings y'know so i don't know'' he then started to walk outside'izuku is that you?' I asked myself

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