Chapter 1 - Peace

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It was quiet inside Kamar-Taj, save for the crackling fire a few feet away. You closed your book with a sigh, placing it atop a pile of other tomes the Ancient One had assigned to you. She had been coaching you for years now, ever since she had helped you with your...incident long ago. Now you were close to being a master, but you weren't there just yet.

You stretched as you got out of your chair, and with a wave of your hand the flame was extinguished. You groggily made your way to your quarters, winding down the halls until finally pushing through your door and collapsing atop your bed.



Leaping out of bed, objects shook on your dresser as the large...whatever it was resonated through the temple. Quickly recovering from your sleep, you slipped out of yesterday's clothes in exchange for dull green robes, the fabric draping lightly on your shoulders and folding in a v neck across your chest, then cinched at the waist with a thick rusted bronze belt. You walked swiftly through the halls, fixing your hair in the process as you made a beeline for the source of the bang.

Finally, in the main dome of the temple, you saw the Ancient One standing behind a ragged man in a chair. Well, next to a chair, sprawled out on the floor. He looked...disheveled, to say the least. Heaving for breath, he didn't even look up when you stepped into the room, hands clasped behind your back as you eyed him. Glancing at the Ancient One, you raised an eyebrow at her in questioning.

"Prospective student." She answered with a smile, a joking tone behind it as she waited for the mystery man to gather himself.

"Ah." You replied. Realizing what she had done, a smirk twinged on your lips. You remember when the Ancient One had sent you on your own wild ride through the universe at the beginning of your training, the endless expanse of realms a truly overwhelming thing to behold for the first time. You stepped closer, bending at the waist to be at eye level.
"You alright there buddy?"

The man took another sharp breath before looking at you with wild eyes. Not answering, he instead scrambled up turning to face the Ancient One.

"Teach me." He pleaded. You raised your eyebrows once more, looking to your mentor.



The tea steamed in your hand as you sat by the temple doors. Blowing on it tentatively, you took a sip.


Swallowing, you let out a sigh, enjoying the smooth flavor.


"How long do you think he's going to keep at it?" Mordo mused as he walked past.

"He's already been there for 3 hours, can't imagine he'd stop now." You said with a shrug.

"Good point."


"Alright, are we letting him in or what?" You said with a twinge of annoyance in your voice. You had been tasked with door duty to ensure the man didn't do anything reckless, and over the past hours his gradually slowing knocks have been slowly but surely driving you insane.

"I'll ask the Ancient One." He answered before walking off. You nodded, placing your tea down and standing up to approach the door.


"You ever going to let up?" You called, leaning against the wood. A slow shuffle could be heard on the stoop.

"Please..." Was all the man responded. You let out an amused puff of air, surprised at how desperate he really was.

"Yknow I could probably help you if I knew who you were."
There was a pause, and another shuffle, before you heard his voice right up against the door, the vibrations humming against your cheek.

"Strange, Doctor Stephen Strange."

Just then, Mordo returned, giving you a nod to let him in. Standing up straight and turning the door handle, you swung it open enthusiastically. Strange came tumbling through, hands splayed out in front of him as he looked up at you, mouth slightly agape with a spark of hope in his eye. You looked down and gave him a smile.

"(Y/n). (Y/n) (L/n)."


Ahh first chapter done!! I know it's not much but I'm super excited to write more, pls share your thoughts!!
Also lmk if describing the outfits is annoying lol
- Ze author ;^)

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