Chapter 4 - Moving Up

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The evening brought a quiet glow to Kamar-Taj, the sunset gradually fading away on the horizon as you stood in the open sitting room, enjoying the view while drinking a cup of tea. The long day of training had thoroughly worn you out, and you sighed as you let the warmth of your drink seep through your bones. You heard footsteps gently pad up next to you, and looked over to see the Ancient One standing by your side. You gave a polite greeting, and you stood together in peace for a moment.

"I see you've taken to the new student." She says, eyes remaining on the horizon. Her tone is even and collected, but after knowing her for so many years you could pick up the hint of teasing in her voice. You eye her a bit, unsure of what she was getting at, but take another sip.

"He has potential." You state simply. "Bit of an attitude though."
She chuckles, bowing her head.

"He was humbled greatly by the tragedy that got him here, yet it seems even that couldn't stifle all his pride."
You snort. 'Yeah, you're telling me.' A thin smile remains on her face as she turns to you.

"Your own studies have been thoroughly successful as well; You've come very far."
A smile curls across your lips, and you can't help but be a bit of a hypocrite as pride swells within you as well. Your triumph hasn't come without strife, to say the least.

"Thank you." You reply with freshly emblazoned confidence.

"It's for that reason that I can confidently have you replace Master Daniel in the New York Sanctum."

You choke on your tea, hunching over slightly as you splutter sloppily onto the floor.

'Oh' You realize, 'That's what this is about'

You quickly compose yourself, hastily clearing your throat and squaring your shoulders, attempting to appear as professional as you can.

"He is in need of a replacement?" You waver, still processing the news. You had been working towards master-ing your magic, but being a sanctum capital M Master was a whole other deal. The Ancient One takes a solemn breath.

"His age has crept up on him, I fear. The time has come for him to retire"
Her words hang in the air, and you can do nothing but open your mouth. You supposed she was right; Masters had to be cycled through their outposts somewhat regularly, for protecting the sanctum required one to be in peak condition. It's no easy job.

"I...are you sure?" Is all you can muster.

"It won't be immediate, mind you, but yes, I am certain."

You chew on your lip in contemplation. Talk about a promotion.

"I'll leave you to it."
And with that, she strides off - but not without turning back to you one last time.

"Do not let your worries consume you," she affirms with a warm smile. "I know you are capable." And with that, you're left with your thoughts, looming responsibility pressing weight onto your shoulders.


The library was quiet, but the racing of your mind makes your ears hum. After your little chat with the Ancient One, you couldn't bring yourself to calm down and head to bed as you had planned, so you decided to distract yourself with studying. You should probably absorb as much as you can since you were on track to be a Sanctum Master anyway, right? Only, you find yourself re-reading the same line over and over, unable to focus. With a frustrated huff, you lean back In your chair.

'Master (Y/n).' You chew on your lip as you test out the title in your mind. Not a bad ring to it. Glancing at the grandfather clock on the opposite wall, you let out another tired sigh. '1 am. Jesus.'

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2021 ⏰

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