| Chapter 2: Secret Stash 🧍‍♀️

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Nobody's POV:

Casandra bought Y/N to a pile of dirt. She dug into it and showed her 5 bullets and 2 guns.

Y/N was in shock. "Where'd you get this?" She looked at Casandra. "Easy, some dumbass cops were too busy making out and dropped these. I took them and buried them here. I'm planning on escaping tonight with some of my other friends, but they're pussies and refused to come along."

Y/N looked at the 2 pistols. "How're you gonna sneak back outside again?" "I'm not gonna, dumbass." She took the 2 guns and loaded them. 2 bullets in one pistol, 3 in the other. She handed one to Y/N."Wait why-" Casandra hid hers in her pants. Y/N didn't even bother asking and did the same.

It was already night. About 7:49. Casandra looked at the gate besides the benches. If she jumped on the nearby trash can, she could hop over the fence. She just needed to figure out how to get Y/N up there.

Y/N saw the other inmates head inside. She didn't even take one step as Casandra grabbed her by the arm over to a wall and hid behind it. "Where are we going?" Y/N was getting annoyed. "Can you jump over that fence with that trash can, pretty girl?" Casandra was impatient. "Yeah.. why?" Y/N was confused. "Okay. Well, go. I'll catch up with you. I'll shoot any cop that tries to get you. Now go." Y/N nodded.

Casandra x Female Reader (18+)Where stories live. Discover now