The broken words-Quinton Griggs

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"Quinton you promised" I scream at my boyfriend. "Y/N she means nothing I swear" Quinton yells." I don't care we're over, Quinton over I'm leaving" I yell pick my things up and leave but not before." No baby pls don't do this" Quinton yells." You broke the broken words, I quote ' I promise not to cheat on you and will always love you ' that's fake it's over" I yell at my now ex boyfriend, get in my car and drive off.  I'm at my house I ran inside to see  my mom on the couch she notices me  just standing there." Aww hunny what's wrong" she asks I sat by her and tell her." He cheated on me ,he broke the promise" I cry on her lap while she comforts me. I cry and cry until I fall asleep. The next morning I wake up to the door bell, I open the door to see Quinton Griggs my ex boyfriend. " what do you want Quinton"I spat at him and with my teeth gritted. "I'm sorry gabby really am" Quinton says. "No you're not leave now Quinton I don't want to see you every again goodbye forever" I yell. " Y/N don't I'm sorry" Quinton yells but I shut the door in his ugly but hot face forever." I'm proud of you" my mom says holding her arms out I run to them and cry for hours on end. How could I be so stupid? How could I think he loved me pathetic? He broke the broken words or like I like to say he broke the promise! How pathetic I am so stupid ugh he's just a no good jerk!!

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