Coffe shop- Jonah Marais

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It was the afternoon I went to the local coffee shop. I'm in line looking at the menu when I hear a very handsome voice say " Miss what can I get u". " Um yeah sorry can I get a cake pop and a white chocolate mocha Frappuccino pls" I say. "Sure name" he asks wow he's so  cute. "Um y/n" I say he nods and I go wait for my stuff. My name is called I sat down going through Instagram, TikTok,Snapchat. I was there for hours but I also worked on my homework. Then I feel someone was by me, I looked up to see that same cute boy. "Yea can I help you" I asked politely. "Um yeah well you're very beautiful and I was wondering if I could have your number" he asks getting a little nervous it was very cute too."Yeah sure" I say and give him my number. "Thanks gabby" he says and flashes a smile but a very cute smile."welcome..." I trial off but give him a smile. "Jonah Maris" Jonah says sticking out his hand to shake." Y/N Y/L/N" I said smiling shaking his hand. So the past couple of weeks I've gone to the coffee shop and see Jonah every time. I really like Jonah so I'm going to confess my feelings to him today. I walk in like normal "hey jo" I say. "Hey y/n the Usuals" he asks I nod. I sat down couple hours later Jonah sits down. "Hey jo can I tell you something" I ask looking down getting nervous. "Sure " he says " um well I like you more than friends" I say." I like you too will you be my girlfriend " he asks. I nod and give him a kiss "I love you Jonah" I say."I love you too y/n" he says we smile and kiss again. Best Day Of My Life Ever.

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