Chapter One

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But it's finally here! Also I'm sorry for the cliffhanger at the end I like leaving cliffhanger :D

Being held prisoner was...



You sat in a cage until the queen wanted an arena fight and then watched you die.

FrostSilk was already bored, and she had only been in prison for five minutes.

And guards all over were already talking about her "weirdness" and "bug-like qualities". She was exactly like her tribe!

Well, all right, she had IceWing spikes. But other than that, SilkWing.

And she was the only one down here beside the guards.

Also, she was hungry. And she didn't eat flies. She ate fruit. She didn't get those meat eaters.

A few hissing sounds caught FrostSilk' attention. A SkyWing was being dragged into a cell. Her scales were a cooper colour, and smoke was rising from her scales.

I guess they found the fire scales... FrostSilk watched them lock the cell. I wonder how they didn't burn up.

FrostSilk looked at her claws. They were serrated. Her claws would switch throughout the day to normal and serrated claws, so if she was in a battle and needed to use serrated claws but they were normal, she would have to wait a day or a minute for them to turn to serrated.

FrostSilk slashed her claws against the cell. You could barely see a scratch.

"You know that will be useless, right?" The SkyWing called. "They are fire proof as well! Want a demonstration?"

"I know that it's useless, and no, I don't want a demonstration." FrostSilk muttered.

"Your loss." The SkyWing said with an offhanded shrug.

FrostSilk tapped her claws on the stone. So serrated claws wouldn't work. Tail spikes probably wouldn't work either. So she was stuck here.

"How is your protest going?" The voice came so sudden, FrostSilk almost jumped. But she kept still, trying to listen into the conversation.

"Great!" A male voice said. "Lots of dragons are joining! I promise, it will work!"

"Shhh!" The first voice, a female whispered. "There are tons of dragons here! And the guards!"

"The guards joined my protest!" The male said. "And I bet the prisoners all want to overthrow mother!"

Mother. So it's a princess and a prince.

The dragons talking came into view. The female was some kind of mix between red and orange with some light red. She wore a small crown.

So definitely one hundred percent a princess.

The other was more of a yellow. He didn't wear a crown like his sister, but he had a few jewels embedded into his scales.

"Don't get too confident, Wildfire," the princess said. "She already planned the next arena fight. There have been several sightings of the SeaWing hybrid, so she is narrowing in on her. When she catches it, she wants it to fight the bug like hybrid."

That had to be FrostSilk. Everyone was calling her a bug dragon.

"Not like I want to watch the arena fights, but I want to see how she fights."

Oh, very helpful Wildfire.

"She also wants the fire scales and the frost scales to fight." The princess said. "She wants to know how there scales would react to that."

"Won't that just cause smoke?" Wildfire volunteered.

"Not sure..." The princess muttered. "Feel free to talk to the prisoners. I'm going." The princess flew off.

Prince Wildfire looked at them for a few seconds. Finally he said: "Who wants to take down Queen Ceil?"

The prison turned into a uproar. Almost every prisoner was shouting with agreement. Wildfire smiled.

"I'll talk to you about it later! I need to- ACK!" Wildfire jumped back as a few SkyWings landed into the prison. The leader raised a eyebrow at him.

"See you later, General Cyclone!" Wildfire ran off.

"Coward," Cyclone muttered. He beconded to a few soldiers, and they threw a SeaWing into a cell.

I guess that's who I'm fighting. Great. The SkyWings flew off again, probably to report their marvellous success to the queen.


Later that day, FrostSilk was dragged out of her prison cell and onto what she supposed was the arena. There was a lot of roaring and hissing and growling.

And then the SeaWing from earlier came out, and FrostSilk could clearly see that she was a SandWing hybrid from sail and yellow scales. Though she looked pretty SeaWing

FrostSilk wasn't listening to what the announcer was saying when she was trying to figure out the SeaWing SandWing, until he shouted "Claws up! Teeth ready! FIGHT!"

A/N: Special thanks to Dragonlvr083104 for letting me use this mysterious SeaWing SandWing hybrid! Trust me, she will be important later! See you later!

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