Chapter Two

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A/N: Omg this was so fun to write lol
New characters are coming to join le party!
I'll credit people at the end.

FrostSilk and the SeaWing-SandWing stared at each other.

And stared some more.

FrostSilk could almost swear the SeaWing was backing away from her.

She took a step towards the SeaWing. She jumped back in suprise.

"I won't fight." FrostSilk said.

The SeaWing was quiet for a second, then nodded. "Great. What do we do about her?" She flicked her tail at the queen, who at this point had so much smoke from her nose you couldn't see her eyes.

"Eh," FrostSilk said. "Ignore her. I'm FrostSilk."

"I'm Seaglass."

"BOOOOOOOOOOOO!" A SkyWing flew out of the stands out of boredom. Seaglass snorted.

"They don't know a good thing when they see it." Seaglass said.

"LOCK THEM UP!" Queen Ciel roared. "I want an ENTERTAINING FIGHT TODAY! At midday, bring out the SkyWing and IceWing!"


"That sounded pretty entertaining! I can't wait to hear about it!" The fire scales called.

"Shut up!" There was now an IceWing here, who she figured was a frost scale if the queen already planned the fight.

"We make a truce!" Seaglass shouted. "You all should as well!"

The fire scale snorted as Wildfire arrived again.

"Why did you two DO that?" He asked, pointing at FrostSilk and Seaglass. "Mother is steaming. She took it out on me and Jasper."

"Oh, sorry, one of us should have died so then you didn't have to be yelled at." FrostSilk growled.

Wildfire waited a second. "I heard that they now have the NightWing. Apparently they are testing her abilities right now. And the SandWing."

"So now the queen has all her little toys she needs, I guess." The IceWing growled. "Except I'm NO ONES TOY! She will find my claws in her throat one night!"

"Don't we all feel the same way?" FrostSilk said dryly.

"Well, you're fighting later today. Feel free to do that then." Wildfire said. He ran off.

"Coward," Seaglass said.

"So I guess I'm fighting. You, right?" He pointed at the SkyWing.

"Get ready to die," The SkyWing hissed.

"INTRODUCTIONS!" Seaglass nearly shouted. "Please? I'm calling you shouty, you frosty, and I only know FrostSilk's name!"

The IceWing sighed. "I'm Blizzard."

"I'm Feu," The SkyWing said.

"What in the moons does Feu mean?" Blizzard asked.

"It's FIRE in the OLD LANGUAGE, you IDIOT. Ciel is SKY in the old language! Do you know ANYTHING?"

A/N: Actually, it's French. Good try Feu.

"Obviously nothing about old languages!"

"Whoa whoa whoa!" FrostSilk cut in. "Maybe we shouldn't say things we may regret!"

"You know, she's righ- ACK!" A SandWing stumbled down with a few SkyWings behind him. "Is this really necessary? We can always have peace, right?"

"Shut up." A guard growled.

"And I need to get back to Raymon and Nile! They are going to be worried sick about me!"

"I said, SHUT UP!" The guard roared. The SandWing fell into a cell face first.

"Good try, friend." Seaglass said. "Better luck next time."

"I don't get why we need to fight," The SandWing grumbled.

"I'm Seaglass, the weird dragon is FrostSilk, the grumpy IceWing is Blizzard, and the hot SkyWing is Feu."

"I'm Spain," The SandWing muttered.

"Well, if you don't want to fight, me and Seaglass are starting a peace group over here!" FrostSilk offered. "And EXCUSE ME, I am NOT weird!"

"Then why are you wingless?" Spain asked.

"It's- all SilkWings start wingless! They grow them when they are six years old for five days! In a cocoon!"

"Now I completely understand why they call you a bug dragon," Seaglass said. "When do you get wings?"

"Two days! Sheesh! See, not that long!"

"What if it doesn't happen because you're a hybrid?"

"Then deal with it!"

"Whoa whoa whoa!" Spain jumped in. "No fighting! Please! I would like to avoid that!"

"Fighting is a dragon's nature," Feu said. "There is no way to avoid it. You would fight under the right circumstances. Didn't you say something about a Raymon and Nile?" Spain went quiet.

"Raymon is my cousin," Spain said. "And Nile is... someone else."

"Spain, we all have something wrong with us. What's wrong with you." Seaglass said, changing the topic. "I'm a hybrid, I guess Frost over there is wingless and a hybrid and weird-"


"CARRYING ON," Seaglass said, "Blizzard has frost scales and Feu has fire scales. And the NightWing that isn't here yet can see the future really well. So what's with you?"

"This," Spain turned around. He had a small tail protector on his tail, but where his bard should be-

There wasn't a barb.

"Yeah," Spain said. "I don't have fire either. Weird, right?"

"Were you cursed?" Blizzard asked.

Spain shrugged. "I don't know. Were you?"

"As a matter of fact, yes," Blizzard hissed. "Revenge for my parents."

"Sad," Spain said. "You and Feu are fighting soon, right? Will someone live to tell the tale?"

"Obviously me!" Blizzard and Feu said. They glared at each other.

"This is wonderful," Seaglass commented. "Can't we join together and actually make a change in the world?"

"Too late," FrostSilk said, listening closely to the sounds of voices coming closer. "The guards are coming."

A/N: Yes, Frost didn't get involved that much, but I really wanted to just bring out some personality's of some others.
Spain to Crayola_goose675
The random NightWing that was mentioned (WILL BE IMPORTANT LATER) @PLAGUE-505-DOC
Seaglass to Dragonlvr083104
Sorry if I forgot you I tried to remember-
Also Blizzard and Feu are mInE
I hope you forever enjoy Blizzard and Feu's rivalry

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