𝑪𝑯. 𝟏: 𝑮𝒐𝒐𝒅𝒃𝒚𝒆, 𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒓

28 1 1

Blood. The colour crimson. The droplets falling from the knife, the screaming echoing through the air. Blood covered shoes. Blood covered slacks. The smell intoxicating, how often the smell filled the man's nostrils would have shocked the average person. But this man, was not average. Dr. Gavin Katz. A hypno therapist. Someone whom the public trusted, if only they saw what he did in the dark.

Gripping onto the knife he followed the woman below, crawling along the ground. Trying her hardest to get away, he smiled as he watched her scramble. Trying to grip onto freedom. A pair of arms wrapped around the doctor, his attention now drawn to the blonde woman beside him.

"C'mon, daddy. I'm hungry."

He knew what that meant, all too well, she wasn't hungry for food that's for sure. His blood stained fingers gripped onto her chin, "soon, baby girl. Soon." Giving her a quick peck he looked back towards the woman, she was already at the front door, looking back over at the blonde he spoke, "get the mop, sweetheart." Once she had left he advanced towards the woman.

She was beginning to pant as she dragged herself along the ground, the tendons at the back of her heels were sliced. Bits of skin from the back of her legs removed, grabbing her pants he dragged her back. He squatted down over her, his knees on either side of her hips. Her back still to him, "shhhhh shhhh, nice and quiet now." He began to stroke the back of her neck, "no need to scream, no need to fret."

Smiling he ran the blade along her back. Once he reached her lumbar he chuckled, "good girl, nice and quiet……" harshly he dug the blade into her spin. The force cracking the bones, the nerves shattered. For his final move he twisted the blade snapping her spine in two. Heavy breathing was heard from beneath him, she was still alive. Which was what he wanted. Sighing he got up, looking down at her he turned his head to see his baby girl. The look on her face was like a child wanting a toy, and he was that toy. Smiling he motioned for her to come over, as she neared him he took a few steps towards her before grabbing her chin and kissing her.

She hummed against his lips, she was excited that's for sure. It appears they both would work quicker to spend some quality time together. Pulling away he could see how upset she was, chuckling he looked towards the woman. "You know the drill." Walking away from her he leant down and removed the blade. Killing the woman instantly.

The only thing keeping that broad alive was the pressure the blade had on her spine, putting the blade in his pocket he picked the woman up. Flinging her over his shoulder. Soon his darling baby girl began to mop the floor, the crimson liquid spreading every now and then only to be swept up.

Katz walked down the hall towards the basement, as soon as he reached the basement door he grabbed the keys from his pocket and unlocked the door. Once the door was unlocked he opened the door and walked down the stairs. Entering the room the smell of disinfectant was thick through the air. Sighing he slumped the body down on one of the metal trays, looking at the woman's body he groaned. "You weren't any fun, anyway."

He smirked as he ran his hand along her leg, "not as beautiful as my baby girl." Sighing he looked around at his basement, the trough coated in blood, he'd have to rinse that out later. The meat hooks hanging from his ceiling made him smile, how many bodies he had on those. Off to the side was a set of antique cabinets, full of tools he used to dismember thie on his metal trays. Walking over to the sink he grabbed the knife from his pocket and chucked it in the sink.


Looking up the stairs he noticed his blonde beauty at the top of the stairs, "yes, baby?"

"I'm done."

Smiling he walked towards the stairs, climbing the stairs he stood before her. "Let's see how well my baby did." Wrapping his arm around her waist he walked her out the door, closing the door behind them, he leant back and locked it. Grabbing the key he placed them in his pocket. She eagerly lead him towards where the blood was, he looked at the work she had done and he wrapped his arms around her waist. "Beautiful, baby. You did an amazing job."

He rested his chin on her shoulder, "do you think you deserve a reward?"

"Yes, daddy."

"Run along upstairs, I'll be there soon." He chuckled as he watched her practically run up the stairs, running his hand through his hair he watched her disappear. Now he had to think, how was he going to cover this one up. She was his ex-wife after all. Her now widowed husband would be the prime suspect, it would be perfect. Looking over at the front door he noticed the mop and bucket. Sometimes she could be so careless. He loved her though.

Walking towards the mop and bucket he looked around at the floor, for any signs of blood. He'd give her one thing, she knew how to clean. Smiling he held onto the mop and bucket, he started to make his way towards the basement before he heard a familiar voice.

"What are you doing?"

Looking up he saw his blonde beauty, "you have to be more careful, sweetheart. You can't leave these things lying around." Placing them down he unlocked the basement and walked down the stairs, putting the mop and bucket next to his ex-wife he smirked. "Happy blood day, dear."

Chuckling he walked up the stairs, doing what he did before. Locking it, with added extras he headed towards the main entrance. Looking up the stairs, he saw his beautiful girl covered in lace. "I'm coming, sweetheart. I'm coming."

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