Chapter 27

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The weekend sadly had ended and I wished it could have lasted longer. Bailey actually seems like a really nice girl and we are getting along. I'm glad Matt is dating her. Maybe she can knock some sense into him.

It was now Monday and I was walking to my first period with Rylan and Brooklyn.

"So are you going to make a move on my brother or what?" I teased Brooklyn.

"Omg! For real Brooklyn! This thing between you and him needs to happen." Rylan chimed in.

"Would you guys stop. You know that I'm shy. I can barely even talk to him anyways. Maybe you can tell him to ask me out Rainy." Brooklyn responded.

"I will force him to do it haha." I continued.

As the day went on I was getting super tired and ready to be home. It was finally the last class of the day and I was counting down the minutes.

Suddenly the last bell rang and that was the end of class. I grabbed my backpack and headed to the football fields to wait for Jacob to be done with practice.

I sat on the bench near coach and started on some of my homework.

Practice was over and Jacob was walking up to me so that we could go.

"Hey sis ready to go?" he ruffled my hair.

"Would you stop doing that to my hair? And yes I'm ready." He shook his head and I pushed him.

We walked to the car and started to go home.

"Hey what do you think about Brooklyn and Ryan getting together? Wouldn't that be super cute?" I asked Jacob.

"Why? Do they like eachother?" he looked over at me.

"Yes don't you see it. They always look at eachother for long periods of time, and Ryan has asked about her a lot." I continued.

"You're asking the wrong person Rainy. I can't even get a girl myself." he responded.

"I already know you can't get a girl silly." I laughed.

"Thanks twin. I knew I could count on you for making myself feel better." he scoffed.

"No problem twinny!" I teased.

When we got home I went upstairs to my room and finished the rest of my homework. Once I was done I got changed into comfy clothes and went downstairs to see what everyone was up to.

Downstairs in the living room sat Matt and Bailey, Ryan, and Jacob on the couch. 

"Hey peeps!" I greeted.

Everyone mumbled a hello and I walked into the kitchen to get a snack. I decided on making coffee and eating some oreos. Yum!

I took a seat at the breakfast nook and ate my snack.

After eating my snack I went back into the living room and stared staright at Ryan.

"Can I help you?" Ryan asked hesitantly.

"Yes you may. Can you ask out Brooklyn for me?" I questioned.

"Rainy why are you saying this? Does she actually want me to or are you the one who wants me to ask her out?" he answered with a question.

"I think she really likes you Ryan. Plus if you marry her I could be sister in laws with my bestfriends! Wouldn't that be so cool?" I continued.

"Woah woah woah. Slow down Rainy. We never said anything about marriage." he freaked out.

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