Chapter 19

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It was now Sunday and I had just gotten my phone back. Shawn left some texts and I got nervous to open them.

Hey I miss u sent by Shawn

When can we see each other again? sent by Shawn

Holy cow! I can't believe he misses me. I nearly dropped my phone reading his texts. My crush is texting me. I don't know why I think this is so crazy.

Hey I just got my phone back. They know everything. I miss u too sent by Rainy

After I sent the text I decided to do some homework. Homework is stupid but I guess it's necessary. At least if I get it done now I can relax later.

Once I was done with my homework I walked downstairs and went into the kitchen. What else is new? Matt and Jacob were seated at the dining table on their phone when I walked in. I decided to get a bag of chips and I sat next to Jacob while munching on my chips.

"So what did Shawn and you do on Wednesday?" Matt asked.

"We went to this cool diner that was an 80s theme. It was really cool." I replied.

"Hmm... we'll have to check it out soon." he told me.

Monday soon came around and Shawn and I decided to meet up after school and go to the park. At school I had told Brooklyn and Rylan that I had told my family about everything and that I had another date with Shawn. They decided to come over after school to help me get ready.

After school was over, Brooklyn and Rylan came over.

"So, do you guys have any crushes you want to tell me about?" I asked while we searched through my closet.

"Umm... well I've been meaning to tell you about someone. It may be weird and you have every right to say no, but I think I like Ryan. Is that weird?" Brooklyn replied.

I squealed, "Oh this is really exciting! Don't tell him I said this but he likes you too!"

"No way. I doubt he likes me." she continued.

"I'm serious! He told me on Saturday. Ohhhh, I can't wait to get you guys together." I told her.

During this conversation we picked out a really cute outfit. A green-ish /blue-ish blouse with light wash jeans and a black cardigan with my white sneakers. picture above.

I put on some light make up and soon enough I finished getting ready. Brooklyn and Rylan left and Shawn would be here soon.

I was kind of nervous considering this is the first time Shawn has been over since our first date. Also my brothers are probably going to give him the "I will kill you talk if he ever hurts me" before we leave. That will most likely take a half hour. Great!

It was finally 6 o'clock and all of my family was here. A knock just now came from the front door and I quickly rushed to it. I opened to see Shawn at the door with a really adorable smile on his face. So cute!

"Hey." I let out.

"Hey Rainy." I let him in.

As soon as he walked in the door everyone came to greet him. I have to say this is very awkward. We were all just staring at each other.

"Hey guys, can we just get over all the awkwardness? I kind of have a date to be on with him." I broke the silence.

"Umm... well, Shawn, you know the drill. I swear on my life if you do anything to her, you're dead. Clear?" Ryan suddenly blurted out.

"Crystal." Shawn answered.

"Okay... now that that is settled we're going to get going." I answered while grabbing Shawns hand and pulling us out of the door.

Phew! "We got lucky in there. I was worried they were going to kill you." I told Shawn as we walked to his car.

"I was nervous too. How did you manage to not let them kill me?" he replied while opening the door for me.

"I guess they just understand me. We all had a long conversation about it. I'm still suprised they're letting me be with you still." I continued.

We finally arrived to the park and we got out of the car and walked to a bench. We sat down and just talked and laughed together. We even kissed a little. Maybe more than just a little, wink wink.

"Rainy, I've got a question for you." Shawn said suddenly.

"And I've got an answer for you." I replied giving a short laugh.

"Rainy, will you be my girlfriend?" he asked nervously.

"Oh my gosh! Yes!" I said and we kissed.

Only this time, this kiss was more passionate. It was filled with lust and desire. We moved our lips together in sync and I wish this moment would never end. I felt safe in Shawn's arms.

We pulled apart and I looked down while blushing. Why do I blush at the worst times? He then took his hand and gently pulled my face up to look at him.

"Don't be embarrased around me. I'm glad you're all mine now." he told me.

I then hugged him and cuddled up to him. We sat there for an hour just relaxing and talking to each other. I was happy. I knew my mother would be happy for me too. At least I hope she would be.

Yay!!! They're finally official.

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