Chapter 16

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I had decided that after school I would go for a walk in the woods behind my house. I needed to clear my head and going for a walk will hopefully help me.

The nature trail I've been walking on was peaceful and quiet. I started to wander as I got deeper and deeper into the woods as I continued to ponder on what I should do.

If I tell the truth then I could possibly never see Shawn again and it will hurt Ryan knowing that I was with Shawn. Especially because Shawn is Ryan's best friend. But if I don't tell them anything, I would constanly be guilty and I would have to distance myself from my family, which would be impossible for me.

Suddenly I heard a twig snap behind me. I froze on the spot not knowing if I should turn around. I then felt a pair of strong arms wrap themselves around my waist. Whoever this was spun me around all the while, slightly chuckling. For a moment I thought I saw my mother's eyes. Weirdly enough I felt her presence around me, only to realize that it was just my brother Matt as I came back to reality.

Pushing him away I started, "Damn it Matt you scared the shit out of me!" I finished.

"Look just chill out Rain." Matt said still chuckling.

"What the hell were you thinking?!" I shouted.

Matt suddenly got very serious. "What was I thinking? Rain your wandering around a forest so deep in thought you didn't even notice that I had been following you!" he explained.

Hearing that made me think about everything that has been going on.

"Well I have a lot on my mind." I responded.

"Well then talk to me. I understand that we're a protective family but I want you to be able to open up to us and confide in us. I don't want you to have to keep things from us. We love you so much Rainy. I know you wish mom was here, and trust me so do we, but you have us still." he responded.

I gave a short nod and officially decided that I would tell Matt the truth. I knew I couldn't keep lying to them anymore. It was slowly killing me and I was ready to tell him.

"Well I went out with Shawn." I said.

"Shawn? As in Shawn Grey? The best friend to Ryan? I thought I asked you if you liked him and you said no. Did you lie then too?" he questioned.

"Yeah I mean I did lie but I really do like him Matt. I like to think he likes me too. He's really sweet to me." I answered him truthfully.

"I don't know if that's such a good idea to get involved with him. I mean if you guys end up dating and break up or something it would make things really awkward between Shawn and Ryan. Take into consideration, Shawn is at our house almost everyday and it would just be weird if you guys started dating." he shared.

"Please Matty! I really like him. What if I cleaned dinner up every night for a whole month. Or five months! I'll do it for five months!" I begged.

"I don't know what to say." he said.

"Matt, if you don't let me go out with him I will never talk to you again. Please Matt." I continued.

"Does it really mean that much to you?" he asked.

"Yes it really does." I answered.

"Okay. I guess if this means a lot to you."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you Matty. I love you so much." I praised.

"Alright, alright but I swear to God if he hurts you Rainy..." he started but I cut him off.

"Yes you'll kill him, I get it."

"Well do want me to tell everyone or do you want to tell them?" he asked.

"No I should be the one to tell them." I answered.

He nodded and we headed towards home. I hadn't deceided when I would tell the rest of my family but I know I have to do it soon. But in all honesty I just wanted to go to bed. I was craving sleep and it felt like my bed was calling my name.

When we got to the house I walked up to my room and immediatly jumped onto my bed. It feels like the world's longest day ever. I skipped dinner and went straight to sleep. Nobody even came into my room that night and I was greatful for that. I was in no mood for any more human interaction.

Sleep soon consumed me and I drifted off into a deep sleep.

Well... that happened. How do you guys like this form of writing. It's way better for me.
Anywayy hope you enjoyed! :)

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