Chapter 1: The Golden Dawn

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A/N: Hello, those of you who diligently pay attention to what I update to Black Clover week! Throughout this week I will be continually creating and updating two black clover stories. I plan this to be an annual thing every last week of February. And to those of you just finding me, welcome to shitlord hell! I write My Hero Academia, Naruto, and now Black Clover fanfics. And this is my new story lineup.

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Now, let me show you a new spell I got! Writing Magic: New Story!!

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Now, let me show you a new spell I got! Writing Magic: New Story!!

   "Next, Number 165!!"

  Asta walked forward. "I can't let Yuno pull ahead now," he thought, "Someone, please pick me!" "Do we have any hands?" A couple seconds passed. "I don't care which squad, someone please pick me!" The white haired boy thought. A couple more seconds pass. "Number 165.... No ha-"

  Suddenly, the woosh of a hand being raised interrupted the announcer. "We'll take this one, too," The captain of the Golden Dawn, William Vangeance, said. "Number 165, The Golden Dawn."

  The crowd behind him started to murmur. "Holy crap!" One guy said, "The Golden Dawn took in not one, but two commoners? That's unheard of!" "That kid has no mana, how the hell'd he get in the golden dawn!?" "I hope I can get in, too."


  "Captain Vangeance," The Vice Captain, Langris Vaude, asked, "Why on earth are we taking two commoners? We shouldn't even have taken one, but it was import to nab the four leaf grimoire! The sword peasant you chose has no mana at all! It's amazing he got a grimoire at all! And his grimoire looks like it came from a fireplace!" Captain Vangeance rose his hand, silencing Langris. "I chose him for a reason. He can cut through magic. He has value," Vangeance explained. "Fine," Langris huffed, before walking off.


  Meanwhile, Yuno and Asta were being given a tour by a superior officer, Klaus Lunettes. First was Yuno's room. He showed us the commodities and such, like the pens and library of books. "This is much better than you deserve," Klaus said, disgusted "Such a room is wasted on you. You stay here and adjust yourself. I'll show Asta to his room."

   So, Klaus led Asta out of the room, but started to head in the opposite direction from where they were.
"Hey, Klaus?" Asta asked, "I thought you said that the rooms were over there? Why are we in the courtyard?" "Tell me, Asta,"  Klaus said, his glasses gleaming, "How a magic-poor bastard of a peasant managed to join The Golden Dawn. You're not even worthy enough to be a Black Bull."

  "I-I actually have no magic at all," Asta said, "And I never gave up. Hard work got me here!" Klaus' grimoire started to flip open. "If you cant even use magic, how can you be a magic knight?" Klaus asked, "I'll show you your place, and send you where you came from, you peasant filth. Steel Creation Magic: Violent Rotating Lance!" Just as the name suggests, a lance shoots out of the ground, violently spinning and aiming at Asta. "Woah!" Asta shouted, dodging, "Are you trying to kill me!?"

  "Leave here, magic less peasant!!" Klaus shouted, summoning five more Lance's. "I can't dodge these!" Asta thought, and his grimoire sprung to life, with it's own demonic red-black energy, and flipped to about the middle of the book. Then, a hilt of a sword came out of the book, and Asta grabbed it, pulling out the giant rusted sword. When the Lance's reached Asta, with one swing he slashed all of them, and they turned to silver dust.

  "How did you??" Klaus shouted, nervously. Then Asta started to sprint at him. "I may not have traditional magic, but that doesn't mean I'm worthless!" He shouted, "Because my magic is never giving up!!" Asta swung his sword, hitting Klaus in the gut and sending him flying into a pillar. "Don't you dare look down on me," Asta said, tired, shadows over his eyes, "BECAUSE I'M GOING TO BE THE WIZARD KING!!

   In a church in Hage village, two letters arrived. A member of the cloth, Sister Lily, was outside hanging up laundry. Then, a blue-grey portal opened up, and out came an owl with two letters. The owl dropped the letters in her hand. "Thank you," she said quietly.

  When she gave the letters to the Reverend of the church, he was ecstatic when he heard about Yuno's letter. "I knew Yuno would make it into the magic knights!" He exclaimed, "and into The Golden Dawn, no less! He's the pride of our village! So, when does Asta say he's coming back?" Sister Lily stares at Asta's letter. "I-I dont believe it," she said, shocked. "What is it?" "You'll have to see it to believe it," she said, handing him the letter.

   Dear Father Orsi, Sister Lily, and the rest of the orphans at the church.

I made it into the magic knights! So, I won't be coming home right away. But, I will visit! Anyways, I made it into The Golden Dawn with Yuno! My superior, Klaus, tried to force me to leave because I have no magic, but I showed him that I'm strong even without magic! And with all the stuff here I learned a couple of things! Like, that members of the cloth cannot get married. So, out of respect for your lifestyle, Sister Lily, I will stop asking you to marry me, and give up my love for you. Also, you may have noticed, but my handwriting is a bit neater! That's because there's a person assigned in my team with Yuno, Klaus, and I who decided to help me! Her name is Mimosa, and she's really nice! I'll send money, and visit when I can!

    From, Asta

P.S. I hope you're doing well, Nash.

"Well then," Orsi said, "It looks like Asta isn't coming home. He made it in the same magic knight squad as Yuno! We'll have to tell everybody!!" And so, with the younger children, Father Orsi flew off throughout Hage village, spreading the good news.

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