so cold³⁰

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Bils pov
Jun 6, tuesday

Bil: emma who is that?-i looked at emma seeing her kiss a man. When tf did she grow up that fast

Emma: mom this is ezra, my husband-she said making me wide my eyes

Girl: mom can we start thinking ab my party, i mean, big 16-a girl i didnt know appeared seating on the couch and looking at emma

Bil: who are you? Where am i?-i said looking around not recognizing where i was

Emma: mom this is sadie, my daughter

Bil: your-

Emma: yes, my daughter-she paused holding my hands-you have alzheimer mom, its normal that you dont remember-well uhm, ig that explains a lot

Bil: wheres brandon?

Emma: dad died 3 months ago mom-she said and i felt my eyes immediately fill w water

Bil: what ab my mom, dad?

Emma: grandpa patty died 2 years ago and grandma died 23 years ago

Bil: what?-i started crying-are jayden, Abigail and jade at least still alive?

Emma: jayden and Abigail where murder by tani 3 years ago, and you used to live w jade but yesterday you guys got into a big fight cuz you dont like the fact that shes a drug addict

Bil: how old am i?

Emma: you turn 84 in exactly 34 days

I shoot my eyes open immediately sitting up in my bed

Brandon: whats wrong?-i felt brandon wake up looking at me as i was breathing heavily-i got you-he grabbed my inhaler quickly giving it to me

Bil: god-i started laughing after using the inhaler

Brandon: why you laughin?-brandon asked looking confused asf

Bil: i just had this crazy ass dream-i said coming down

Brandon: im not even gonna ask-he said looking at the clock-its 5:45am, we late asf-he said. I wide my eyes standing up as well-what happened to the alarm?

Bil: no idea-i said walking to the bathroom

I peed and then washed my face and hands before going to the kitchen to make smothie bowls for me and que, while he was making our bed

We ate our smoothie bowls and then got ready. Me and him always do yoga or some kind of exercise in the morning but since im pregnant, brandon is being dramatic and saying that we should start going to 30min walks instead

After coming back from our walk, we showered and got ready. While Brandon started making our breakfast, i went to wake up everyone

Bil: jade wake up, good morning-i slightly shook jade seeing her nod, meaning that she heard it and that she should be up in a min. I walked towards emmas room, wich was right in front of jades, seeing her sitting on her bed while yawning

Emma: im up-she smiled

Bil: morning-i kissed her head and then got out when she went to her bathroom. I walked towards abigails room and went in seeing her peacefully sleep-ABIGAIL-i screamed shaking her violently

Heres the thing, abigail has a REALLY heavy sleep, the world can be ending and this girl wont wake up

After a lot of screaming and shaking, she finally woke up

Abigail: why you look so tired?-she yawned standing up

Bil: miss gurl, i've been shaking you for hours

Abigail: its the lies for me-she yawned again walking into her bathroom

I went back to the kitchen and helped brandon finish getting breakfast

Brandon: here you guys go-he said putting everything in the table-we got some milk, chocolate cake and cereal

Emma: why do we have to go to school today? Why cant we just pretend we died and never show up again?-she said and me and brandon busted out laughing

Abigail: what is wrong w you two man-abigail said looking at us weird

Brandon: will you believe dealer told me that a few years ago when she didnt want to go to work-we laughed

Abigail: thats whats so funny? Old people are weird man

Bil: the day i beat your daughters ass-i looked at que before giving abigail a death stare

We ate breakfast and then the girls went to get ready and brandon got jayden ready as well, while i was organizing the kitchen

Brandon: say bye to our princesses-brandon motioned to the girls and jayden ran hugging the three of them-and the queen-he pointed to me making me roll my eyes and blush

Bil: i love you buddy, have a good day okay-i hugged him

We all said our goodbyes and went to the respective cars. Brandon goes w jayden while i leave the girls at their school

Emma: have a good day, i love you-emma kissed my cheek before leaving the car

Abigail: bye step mother-abigail teased kissing my cheek-i love you-she screamed before closing the door and leaving

I saw eva approach the car and a smile instantly appear on jades face, but the smile instantly disappeared making me frown looking back at eva, who was-

Kissing another girl

Bil: jade who-

Jade: goodbye-she quickly cut me getting out of the car and slamming the door before quickly running inside the school. I saw eva and the girl pull out of the kiss and eva looked inside the car making me give her a death stare to wich she quickly looked away

Bil: wtf-i mumbled to myself before driving off towards my work since i wasnt working in the same school as the girls study anymore

Hudson: hi billie-hudson, one of the others teachers said

Bil: hi-i smiled at him

Hudson: so i was thinking and i really think youre getting fat-he said making me choke on my water

Bil: im sorry?

Hudson: yeah like, your ass is not being that noticeable anymore-he said literally bending over to look at my ass-loose some weight, i wanna take you out-he winked before leaving


A/n: my whole day has been based on having hiccups

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