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3Rd person's pov
6Y later
jan 31, thurs

brandon: you came!-brandon said as soon as he opened the door

abigail: of course i did dad-abigail smiled, walking in and immediately hugging her father

brandon: i missed you so much-he said in the hug before kissing abigail's head

abigail: i missed you too-she smiled before pulling out of the hug, walking in

brandon: i'll help you with these-brandon said receiving her suitcase

abigail: where's mama?

brandon: living room-abigail nodded walking towards the living room seeing billie sitting on the couch, drinking tea while watching something on the tv

abigail: hi mama-she said sitting down by billie's side

billie: abigail! oh my god-billie said pulling abigail into a tight hug

abigail: i missed you too-abigail chuckled before kissing her mom's head and pulling out of the hug-what are you watching?

billie: i don't even know, some random movie your dad choose, i'm not paying much attention though-she shrugged making both of them chuckle

abigail: how are things going? how's therapy?

billie: okay-she shrugged again, shaking her head before taking a sip of her tea-i still don't see a point on it but-she shrugged once again-if it makes you guys happy-she said before turning back to the tv

abigail: you still think it's not helping?-billie nodded-you don't feel any changes? at all?-billie nodded again

billie: it's what i say, it's pointless, i don't know why everybody goes "OH MY GOD" every time i say this but it's the truth and i'm gonna keep on saying it, i went to the most traumatizing experience i could ever go to, i'm never getting better, the nightmares are never gonna stop, any of it will ever stop so again, therapy is pointless-she finished before focusing back on the tv making abigail sigh

brandon: i put your things- oh, i think that's our dinner-brandon said sitting down at the couch next to billie

jayden: mama they didn't have- abby!-jayden cut himself running and hugging abigail

abigail: if you keep calling me that i'm gonna shove you back inside mom-abigail whispered making jayden laugh pulling out of the hug-what is she doing here?-abigail asked looking at billie and brandon

emma: are you serious?-emma said

abigail: finneas and claudia apologize for not being allowed to come this year, they said they hope we can all reunite on christmas, i'll meet you guys there tomorrow after lunch, i'm staying in a hotel

brandon: abigail please-

abigail: dad don't even, you should have told me she was here from the moment i came in, where's my suitcase?-she said making brandon sigh

brandon: guest bedroom-he said making abigail go there, taking her suitcase out and then leaving

emma: she is pathetic-emma said before going to her bedroom.

a/n: you hit so hard, I SAW STARTS, STARS😮‍💨 sheesh😩

anyways bitches, see u wed 😝

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