So good³⁷

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3Rd persons pov:
July 6, wednesday

Jayden: too tight dad-Jayden complained moving around in his uncomfortable shirt

Brandon: I can't find one that fits, where the fck-

Jade: okay okay, what about the "No cussing when Jayden's there" convo-Jade suddently came in-I got it dad, I'll find him a shirt, just go get ready or we're gonna loose our flight-Jade slighly pushed Brandon away making him sigh, nodding and then leaving

Almost three weeks after Brandon saw Billie and Hudson, Brandon and the kids had now a new 3 bedroom apartment and they haven't seen or talked to Billie since the meeting in her childhood home. But Brandon did make sure the kids saw Maggie, Patrick, the dogs, Claudia, Finneas and their cousins Connor and Vivian

But now, since it's almost Jade's 13th birthday, they are flying to Alaska, to go to the Aleutian islands

Brandon: Abigail did you get the snacks

Abigail: I forgot-she said running to the kitchen as they heard the bell ring

Brandon: Jade watch Jayden, Em go help Abigail, I'll open the door-Brandon said seeing the girls nod before he left to open the door-Vivian?-he frowned when he saw Vivian in the door

Vivian: hi Brandon-they hugged-haven't seen you since yours and Billie's wedding-she said as they pulled out of the hug

Brandon: you're the one that lives in Maine, literally in the other side of the country-they chuckled

Vivian: all right now seriously, I'm not here as Vivian, I'm here as detective Ezekiel, do you have a second?

Brandon: no actually, I have a flight to catch-he said

Vivian: it's important Brandon

Brandon: how important?

Vivian: it's Billie-

Brandon: no, I don't wanna know about her at-

Vivian: Brandon Adams shut up before I don't arrest you-she cut him-I'm gonna tell the officer outside to come in and watch the kids while we talk-she said before telling the cop to come inside towards the radio

Brandon: guys stay together, I'll be back in a second-he said making the kids nod and Jayden curl up closer to Jade-what's this about? She denounced me or something? She's the one that didn't appear in the day I was supposed to do the paternity test

Vivian: technically that's not a crime since it wasn't a judge summoning her-Vivian said-but that's not why I'm here-she sighed before taking a picture out of her pocket showing it to Brandon-do you know this man?

Brandon: Hudson Angel, he's the man that Billie cheated on me with-he answered

Vivian: no, this is Hudson Angel the man who was obsessed with Billie, harassed her, hit her, threatened her and your daughters before raping her

Brandon: what-

Vivian: Billie wasn't cheating she was being raped-she cut him-and she had the courage to speak with me about it and I was able to call the cops to Hudson's house immediately but somehow he knew they were coming and ran away, meaning that neither Billie or your daughters are safe since he can come back in any minute looking for revenge-she sighed-they let me come and talk to you about this but the next steps the town's detective is assuming, he wants to talk to the girls and you as soon as possible


Jade: so she never cheated?-Jade asked after Brandon talked to them about what was going on

Brandon: she didn't

Emma: can we see her?-Emma asked making everyone notice she was tearing up

Brandon: Vivian said she'll be at the police station, so yeah I think we will

Abigail: then what are we waiting for?-Abigail asked standing up as they started walking towards

Brandon: sorry about the trip-Brandon said to Jade as they walked towards the car

Jade: that's okay dad, this is more important-she assured him, making him nod


Roman: hello Jade, I am detective Roman and I'm gonna be quickly interviewing you okay?-Jade nodded-this interview is being recorded, can you say your full name, who's in the room with you and where they are please?

Jade: I'm Jade Peyton Easton Adams, in this room there's an officer by the door, detective Roman sitting in front of me, my dad Brandon Adams by my right side and our lawyer mrs Miles by my left side-she said

Roman: Jade do you know this man?-detective Roman showed a photo of Hudson

Jade: no, I don't think so

Roman: Jade have you ever been followed, threatened, hit, raped or harassed?

Jade: no

Roman: Jade have you ever seen your stepmother Billie O'Connell Adams being followed, threatened, hit, raped or harassed?

Jade: no, nothing-the detective asked Jade a couple more questions before releasing her, calling Abigail in

Roman: hello Abigail, I am detective Roman and I'm gonna be quickly interviewing you okay?

Abigail: uhm-she hummed

Roman: this interview is being recorded, can you say your full name, who's in the room with you and where they are please?

Abigail: I'm Abigail Julia Easton Adams, there's an officer by the door, detective Roman in front of me, my dad Brandon Adams by my side and our lawyer mrs Miles by my other side-she said

Roman: Abigail do you know this man?-detective Roman showed a photo of Hudson again

Abigail: not that I remember

Roman: Abigail have you ever been followed, threatened, hit, raped or harassed?

Abigail: my birth mother used to beat me and I was bullied as a kid, other than that, nothing

Roman: Abigail have you ever seen your stepmother Billie O'Connell Adams being followed, threatened, hit, raped or harassed?

Abigail: no, I don't remember anything-again, after a few more questions, Abigail was released and Emma came in

Roman: hello Emma, I am detective Roman and I'm gonna be quickly interviewing you, this interview is being recorded, can you say your full name, who's in the room with you and where they are please?

Emma: I'm Emma Rylee Robert O'Connell Adams, and in this room are mine's and my dad's lawyer mrs Miles, my dad Brandon Adams, detective Roman and an officer

Roman: Emma do you know this man?-he showed a photo of Hudson

Emma: no-she shook her head

Roman: Emma have you ever been followed, threatened, hit, raped or harassed?

Emma: never

Roman: Emma have you ever seen your stepmother Billie O'Connell Adams being followed, threatened, hit, raped or harassed?

Emma: no-and again, detective Roman asked more questions before releasing Emma and interviewing Brandon too.


A/n: my chest hurts

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