Chapter Eighteen

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×Chapter Eighteen×
×Never 18×

Matthew Williams sat numbly on a uncomfortable, plastic chair. He ignored the hushed whispers about him, ignored the pitiful glances thrown his direction. He didn't pay attention when the door slammed open and his family tumbled in. He let them hug him, murmuring fake lies of changing. Matthew didn't care. He lost his only family.

The small world he grew up in was different. His family were always cautious and fake around him, the teachers and kids started acknowledging him but just for sympathy.

He was assigned a therapist, since everyone thought he was kidnapped against his will and must be suffering from PTSD or some shit. When he refused to talk, the therapist gave him a notebook to write in.

And he did.


Gilbert unwantedly sat away from his brothers, staring down the judge as he felt overwhelming guilt and anger and hatred. A lawyer sat beside him, shuffling through her notes. She has pale blonde hair that was pulled up halfways and strikingly beautiful violet eyes. Her complex was pale and she was quite short but had a nice body.

"Mr. Beilschmidt, what do you plead?" Her voice was monotonous yet soft. No emotion was on her face.

"Not guilty, because I didn't do shit! You believe me, right?" Her gaze settled upon him and she seemed to look inside his soul.

"Of course I do. I understand your situation and how much you care about your brothers. I'm going to help you, Gilbert"

"Everyone rise for the judge!" Emilia Køhler smirked at him, confidence twinkling in her eyes. She knew how it felt to be innocent and lose the ones you love. She was going to fight.


Roderich and Ludwig Beilschmidt felt sick. The latter's eyes were wide in disbelief. The former cried out, twisting sharply to stare at his eldest brother, who wore a expression similar to theirs.

"Your honor, please, Mr. Beilschmidt is innocent!" Mrs. Køhler spoke in a strained voice, anger obvious in her eyes. Gilbert rested a hand on her shoulder, giving a small, sad smile.

"Mr. Beilschmidt has been proven guilty and that is final! Mr.Beilschmidt, you will be sentenced to one year in prison, but it can be reduced with good behavior. You have lost custody of your brothers and don't bother trying to get them back. This trial is now over! Dismissed!" Two officers came over to Gilbert, who quickly dodged the crowd and embraced his younger brothers.

"Im sorry...Im so sorry. I love you two, forever. Don't give up. Luddy, watch after Roddy, alright?" He was dragged away from them. Even with tears falling, his lips were tugged up in that smug smirk of his. Roderich shook, running after them. He pulled Gilbert to him, sobbing his little heart put.

"No no no! Please Gilbert! Don't let them take us away!!" He saw the judge watching everything unfold and he practically seethed with hatred. "He's innocent! Please! He didn't do nothing wrong! He's only 17!" Ludwig pulled him away and Gilbert was gone. Both brothers fell to their knees and cried silently.


Katyusha and Natalya Braginski stood side by side, tears falling from their eyes as they half-heartedly listened to the pastor. They stared at the shiny black coffin, reflecting everyone from the sun's warm beams. Katyusha nodded a small thanks to the pastor when his eulogies were given before stepping forward. She forced a smile, her lips twitching.

"My dear brother, Ivan, was always one who looked for the good in others. He had gone through a hard childhood, with me mostly raising him and our little sister. But I never minded, in fact, I adored and cherished the moments. He became my own son, and...and I-I love him so much. He ran away from home with his friends, very good friends of his..." Katyusha knew she was often described as a crybaby but right now, her words were choked and her legs felt weak. Natalya stepped up to her eldest and now only sibling and wrapped a reassuring arm around her waist. Natalya wasn't an affectionate or openly emotional person (unless it was towards Ivan) but now her role model was gone. But she knew the speech her sister was going to gibe. And its her job to pull everything together. Lile how Ivan did.

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