part 6 -

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"phi can.... can you stay over?"

"what? you...... want me to?"

"yes, please stay over" *puppy eyes.

bright is confused about win asking him to stay over at his house

"why... why ur asking me that?"

" i'm still not ok i don't think i can get up"


"at least help me to get up i wanna go to the bathroom"

"in that case ok but i'll leave after"

"don't leave my mom isn't here to take care of me "

"where is she?"

"she's at our home town today she won't be back im two days"

"ahhh, right ok...."

"so ur staying over?"

"ummm....i don't know" [playing hard to get]

"please phi....." *puppy eyes again

bright is trying to avoid these eyes he can't with win

"i donno  i have work to do you know  i.... m"

again win using the puppy eye look

"al.... alright then i'll.... stay over"

win finds himself smiling that bright is staying over.

bright scratches his head, he didn't expect to stay over at his crushes house.

"sooo ummm yeah can... i borrow clothes this time? hahha"

"yes sure, let me get you from the closet"

"no no it's ok i'll get it myself you stay here don't do anything"

"but i meed to go to the bathroom"

"then let me help you if you need any help"

"no i'm ok"
win stands up as he walks three steps he falls off in brights arms
bright is holding him tight so he won't fall.

"are you ok?"

"yeah i felt dizzy again6, hahha it's normal"

"no it's not this is the second time this happens to you, you need to see a doctor if this happens again"

"ahh i'm ok really no big deal"

"it's a big deal for me"

"i'll go now"

win tries to avoid eye contact
and moves to the bathroom

bright is in the bed room looking for something to wear

"ummm sorry  to bother you"

"yes phi?" *answering from the bathroom

"do you have any pair of panties?"

"i think i have a new one in the drawers..."

"ummm, ok thank you"


win gets out of the bathroom he was washing his face and water drops from his front hair

he's wipping his face with a twoel
bright was like wow
[this man is a masterpeice]

"ummm, has anyone told you that you look pretty?"

"pretty? do i look like a girl to you?"

"sorry i didn't mean that, what i meant is that you look...... umm....beautiful"

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