part 9

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and a week passed but not for win, it passed like a year for him tho he dosen't live with him but it feels empty the office, the company everything flet boring for him.
at that morning he was laying on the desk as usual when he heard a fimiliar voice out the coridor saying...

"ok let me know later i need to get to the office"

he came in while win was laying on his desk feeling sad and empty.
patted on wins head

"u sleepy little bunny?"

he recognizes the voice right away

"p'bai, you came!!!"

he quickly hugs him as it was a long time for him.

bright hugs him back..

"haha yes i came, let's go to my office"

"krub phi"

they walk to office smiling to eachother...



"don't call me phi bai here... it's the boss "

"but ..... okay..."

"and you know it drives me so crazy just hearing it"

"krub boss"

"did you miss me?"

"yeah" sad face

"how much? "

he spread his arms so wide

"this much"..

"that's a little....."

"isn't it enough?"

"no... that's not enough"

"okay then"..

win places his hand over brights chest as he stands on  his toes  the other hand wraps it around brights neck and gives him a kiss.

"i missed you p' damn much"

"i missed you too honey"


"what's wrong with that?"

"ahhh nothing i'm just.... ummm"..


"umm i guess"

bright pulls win  torwads and reaches to his cheeks.

"then i guess i'll be calling you that often"

rubs his nose with win's

"krub phi"

"now get to work"

"krub boss"

win leaves the office he sees mew

"good morning nong win".

"krub good morning p'mew"

"ahhh n'win krub"

"krub phi''

" have you by any chance..... ummm i don't know..... have a lover?''

"ah.... acutally ummm not for now i don't, why? "

"well the thing is...."

"p'mew krubbbbb...."

a voice came from the end of the room calling mew.

"ahh hi gulf!! what brought you here?"
gulf gives mew a hug and smiles

"i just missed you... ''

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