part 8

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after bright and win spent the night together..
in the morning bright woke up looking and staring at win sleeping he started to play with his hair watching his coverd body with hickies and bites and smiling at him...

*he looks so cute when sleeping. bright said to himself

win wakes up smiles at bright

"good morning p'bai"

"ughh gosh, did you really have to say that now?"

"oppss sorry p'bai"

"damn it again"

"ah p'bai.... i'll go shower first hihihi"

"yeah after you turned me on, you're running away"

"oopsii hihihi"

win runs off laughing at bright.

"you're not getting away with this"

bright grabs wins hand and drops him on the bed and tickles him.
his laughs were so loud

"ok ok i give up stop that"

*ding dong

"who's at the door?"

bright  wondered, he went to open the door half naked and his chest is exposed.

he opens the door and stands still without any word dazed

"who's at the door p'bai?"

"ummm... it's a....."

"omg who are you? and why are you half naked at my baby's house???? "

" excuse me? "

" mom!!!!! "

win covers himself up with a t-shirt and runs off to his mom.

"mom i.... i can explain"

"explain what?"

"mom it's not what you think...."

bright was there only standing with his mouth open out of shock.

"baby win, just tell me who is this man?"

"he's a..... he's a friend of mine"

"and why is he with you here half naked?"

bright covers his chest with both of his hands thinking that she might hit him. looking at her with a frightend face

"he... he came to sleep over here and he's leaving later, haha right phi?"

"ahhh yeah that's right haha"

scratching his head out of embarassment.
mom looks at bright with a full of hate look scanning him from head to toe.

"i.... i'll go shower and leave"

bright with a freaked out face said.

mom is still scanning him, bright was scared of her weird looks.
he leaves to shower.

mom sits  talking with win to clear the misunderstanding 

"mom it's really not what you think it is "

"i see ...tell me the truth"

she looked at him and gazed the death gaze

"mom really there's nothing to tell he's a friend of mine"

"ahhh...i don't belive you but i'll let this pass "

she went to the kitchen to make breakfast prepared the table ,bright went out of the shower sat down awkwardly on the chair scratching his head looking at win as if he's wondering that they got busted by win's mom.

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