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Julie walked into her bedroom, homework in hand. She'd had a long day at school and was not thrilled about having to do even more work but she'd promised her dad that she'd work hard at school if she could continue playing with the band, and so far that had been going well.

She looked up as she walked through the door to see Reggie sitting on her bed, legs crossed, and a far off day-dreamy look on his face.

When he noticed her, he shook this off and replaced it with a friendly smile.


"Reggie," Julie shook her head, "we've talked about this, you can't just come into my room when I'm not here."

"I know, sorry," he leapt off the bed, "I just...wanted to talk to you about something..."

"Oh," Julie said, taken aback, "yeah sure."

She sat down on her bed, placing her homework next to her, and patted the duvet in front of her, indicating for Reggie to sit with her.

He accepted happily, taking a seat again.

I wonder if he's finally ready to talk about... Julie began to think but was cut short when Reggie blurted.

"I wanna have a movie night."

Maybe not then.

"A movie night?"

After everything that happened with Caleb, she and the boys had started hanging out more often, but it was still mostly to do with band stuff — Luke was a song writing machine.

"Yeah," Reggie said, his smile fading a little. He scratched the back of his head nervously. "There are so many movies we've missed out on seeing and I was wondering if you'd show us some?" Before Julie could answer, he started rambling, "You totally don't have to though, and I know you're probably busy so I'll just um—"

"Reg," Julie placed a hand on his knee, "it's okay, a movie night sounds like a great idea."

His face broke into a smile again. "Awesome."

"Did you have a movie in mind for tonight?"

"Well obviously I wanna watch the rest of the Star Wars movies at some point,"

"Obviously," Julie laughed.

"but I remembered that Willie mentioned this movie called Titanic back when we first went to the Hollywood Ghost Club, and it sounded cool so I thought maybe we could watch that?"

"Sure," Julie agreed with a smile, "I've got some homework to do now, but I'll come to the studio after dinner and we can all watch it — sound good?"

"Yep!" Reggie leapt up again, shooting finger guns at her. "I'll catch you later."

"Oh, and Reggie?"


"You know you can always come talk to me about stuff, right?"

His smile softened as he became flustered, "Oh, um, yeah, I know."

With that he was gone, poofing out of her room, and leaving her to her pile of homework.

Once she'd finished dinner, Julie made up some excuse about having something to work on in the studio and made her way over there, laptop under her arm. She found the boys already waiting for her, Luke and Alex on the couch with Reggie sitting on the floor in front of them.

"Reggie said something about a movie night?" Luke said as she made her way over to them.

"Yep! We're gonna watch Titanic!" Julie announced, settling herself down between Luke and Alex.

Phantoms Movie Nights (one shots)Where stories live. Discover now