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The whole world righted itself as Reggie backwards-rolled off the couch where he'd been lying upside-down, his legs against the wall. He thought the new perspective would make the same old surroundings seem a bit more interesting, but this had only lasted about two minutes. Usually when he got bored he'd make up a new game with Luke, or go exploring with Alex, or venture inside the house to hang out with Ray and Carlos or get make-up tips from Julie — this was a recent development after she caught him trying to use her eyeliner — but none of those were viable options today. It was half twelve on a Tuesday so Julie and Carlos were at school, and Ray was out at a shoot. Luke had gone to help Alex with sneaking Willie out of the Hollywood Ghost Club, which had become increasingly more difficult. Reggie had offered to go with them, even though he didn't really want to, but luckily they sensed this and assured him they'd be fine if he wanted to stay at the garage. It's not that he didn't want to help, it's just that he'd had enough conflict to last a lifetime (and an afterlifetime), and although he'd once found Caleb cool, he kind of scared him now.

The quiet of the garage was starting to prick at his skin so he walked over to his bass, picking it up and playing a few chords. He managed to get himself lost in the music for a while, like he used to do at home, but it wasn't the same as playing with the rest of the band. After about fifteen minutes he gave up, searching for something else to do. His gaze landed on the small pile of DVDs on the floor next to the couch. Julie had started compiling a collection of them in the garage as her family don't really use them anymore now that they have 'streaming'. Reggie still wasn't quite sure what this was, but it meant he could freely go through their DVD collection without having to sneak into the house. He sat cross-legged on the floor by the pile, rifling through them until he found one that caught his attention. There was a happy looking couple on the cover with the cutest looking puppy beside them. Without even reading what the movie was about, Reggie set it on the coffee table — surely it'd be good if there was a dog involved.

Poofing back into the garage, Julie's laptop clutched in his hands (which he definitely didn't get by breaking her rules and going into her bedroom), he made his way to the couch. He found his movie watching blanket and pulled it around himself, setting the movie up. He soon found out that the movie was mainly focused on the stories of the chaos that this couple's dog created. As he watched their lives progress through the years, he became quickly entertained and invested in this loveable but chaotic dog.

He'd always wanted a dog but his parents never let him have one. They said that a dog was too much responsibility and they didn't want to get tied down with it. Sometimes he wondered if that's how they felt about him too.

I wonder if ghost dogs exist? Reggie thought to himself as he leaned against the back of the couch, pulling his blanket tighter round him. When he was alive, he'd gotten used to watching movies on his own. When he was younger — particularly before he got his bass — and his parents were fighting, he'd put a movie on to try and drown them out and distract himself. He could escape to another world for a while and everything felt a little better. Of course, he enjoyed watching movies with his friends, it was fun to share the enjoyment, but sometimes all the excitement was a bit too much, or people (Alex) would talk through it when he was trying to pay attention. He liked having this time to himself to just sit and watch and distance himself from the world around him.

As the movie went on, he was still blissfully unaware of what was going to happen. The potential ending started niggling at the back of his mind when Marley started getting older and slower, but he convinced himself he was wrong. They wouldn't end it like that. Then, all of a sudden, Marley was sick and they were at the vets and Reggie was willing for a miracle to happen.

It wasn't until the credits were rolling that he realised he was crying. Heavy tears were rolling down his face and he couldn't stop them. He just stared at the screen, his breath hitching every now and again. When the credits finished, he managed to break himself out of his stupor enough to close the laptop. He wiped his eyes on the blanket and tried taking some deep breaths. It's just a movie, it's just a movie, it's just a movie.


He flinched, not realising someone had come into the garage. He relaxed a little when he saw it was Julie.

"What's wrong?" she asked, concerned. She sat down beside him, her hand coming to rest gently on the back of his shoulder.

He sniffed, wiping his eyes again. "Nothing, nothing, I just...I was bored so I thought I'd watch a movie and there were happy people on the front and a cute dog so I thought it was going to be good but the dog...he..." the words caught in his throat and another tear rolled down his face.

Julie glanced at the DVD case on the coffee table and then pulled him into a hug. "Oh, Reg..."

"I thought it was going to be happy," he mumbled as he buried his face in her shoulder, seeking the comfort she brought.

"I know, I should have warned you." She rubbed slow circles on his back and he started to calm down.

He drew away from her. "Sorry, I know it's just a dog in a movie—"

She shook her head. "It's okay, it's super sad, I reacted the same way you did when I first saw it, and, like, every time after."

He laughed at this, a small, insignificant thing, but it made him feel better. He might have wanted to be alone earlier, but he was glad Julie was here now.

"Can—can we watch something a bit happier? To take my mind off it?" he asked her.

Her eyes lit up then. "Yes! I have the perfect idea for what we could watch, though I'd love to see Luke and Alex's reactions to it too — are you okay to wait until they get back to watch it?"

Reggie nodded, moving to lean his head against the top of the couch.

"Where are Luke and Alex, anyway?"

"They went to go help Willie sneak out of the Hollywood Ghost Club," he explained quietly.

"Didn't want to go with them?" Julie asked carefully.

He could sense that she was trying not to pry, which he was grateful for. He just shook his head.

She paused for a moment and then said, "I've got some homework to do, but you're welcome to come chill in my room with me if you want to?"

A smile pulled at his mouth and he lifted his head up. "Yeah, okay."

Julie stood up and Reggie followed, bringing his blanket with him.

"You can keep me sane while I try and do these Math problems I've gotta do," Julie joked.

Reggie hummed a laugh but then said, "I can help if you want, I'm pretty good at Math."

"You are?"

"Yeah. English? Not so much, but Math? Math I can do."

Julie swapped her surprised expression for a smile. "Reggie, you are a lifesaver."

He returned her smile and followed her towards her bedroom.

Phantoms Movie Nights (one shots)Where stories live. Discover now