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They were just getting ready to go and help Willie sneak out of the Hollywood Ghost Club when Julie walked through the garage doors.

"Hey, you know Willie's outside right?"

Alex turned around, arms in the air, halfway into his hoodie. "What?"

"I thought you said we needed to go help him?" Luke said.

Alex pulled his hoodie down, adjusting it probably more than he needed to. "I did, I thought— Caleb he— how did he—?"

Alex strode through the garage doors, briefly registering the scattered 'bye's and 'have fun's coming from behind him. Outside the garage, Willie stood nervously pulling at the ends of his sleeves.

"What are you doing here?" Alex asked him, pulling him into a tight hug.

He used to be apprehensive about doing such things, especially when he wasn't quite sure where he and Willie stood with each other, but now, with the looming prospect that each time he saw Willie could possibly be the last — considering how hard Caleb was working to make sure he kept Willie on a short leash — he'd decided to throw caution to the wind.

"We've got a date," Willie said matter-of-factly.

Alex pulled back, still keeping Willie close to him. "Yeah, but we were gonna— how did you—?"

Willie let out a laugh but it was tight around the edges, not like his usual joyous and carefree laugh that Alex loved so much. "It doesn't matter."

"Yeah it does! How did you get past Caleb? Are you okay? What happened?" Alex frantically searched him for signs of injury.

Willie caught his hands and held them firmly in his, running his thumb across Alex's skin in an attempt to calm him. "Hey, hey, I'm okay, everything's okay."

Alex nodded slowly.

"I just wanted this date to be as stress-free for you as possible," Willie explained, "you've done so much for me lately and I wanted to give you a break."

A small smile pulled at the side of Alex's mouth. "I told you, I'd do anything for you."

Willie rolled his eyes but smiled genuinely. "Turning my own words on me?"

"Yep, and I meant everyone one of them." He leant forward and pressed a kiss to Willie's forehead.

Willie smiled up at him. "Shall we go?"

Alex nodded. "Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise."

Willie took Alex's hand, lacing their fingers together, and Alex's heart fluttered. He still couldn't quite believe how lucky he was that he found Willie.

They walked for a while, hand-in-hand, talking quietly as the sun began to set around them. Eventually they came across a small movie theatre, the sign lit up outside, a couple of the bulbs blown out, the names of the movies that were being shown displayed underneath.

They came to a stop outside and Willie turned to Alex. "Wanna catch a movie?"

Alex smiled. "Sure."

They walked through the doors, by-passing the queue as Willie led Alex through to one of the screens.

"How much of this is you wanting to see a movie, and how much of it is you just liking the idea of sneaking into places?" Alex asked him.

Willie pulled him down a row of seats at the back of the room. "Just because I like sneaking into places, doesn't mean I don't wanna see a movie, the sneaking in just makes it more exciting."

Phantoms Movie Nights (one shots)Where stories live. Discover now