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It was dark outside by the time Julie made her way back to the garage after dinner. She could see the glow of the fairy-lights through the windows as she approached, the cosy vibes contrasting with the loud bickering she could hear coming from inside.

"But she started to change at the end!" She heard Reggie say.

"Dude, there's two more movies, you can't seriously believe that she's not gonna try and mess things up again," Alex retorted.

Julie pulled the doors open, her presence bringing a brief pause to their bickering.

"Julie! Please tell us that Sharpay's nicer in the next movie!" Reggie said to her from where he was sat in Alex's lap.

She'd say she was surprised at this, but after his emotional movie experience earlier, Reggie had basically attached himself to Alex since he'd returned. Apparently arguing didn't negate his need for comfort.

"I mean, that's kinda spoilers, but I'm afraid Alex is right, Reg," she said as she made her way over to the couch, slotting herself between Luke and Alex with Reggie's legs stretching over her knees.

Alex smiled smugly and Reggie turned away from him, as much as he could without leaving his lap anyway, and stuck his bottom lip out in a pout.

Julie turned to Luke, "Have they been like this the entire time I was at dinner?"

He nodded. "Yeah pretty much."

"You okay?" she asked him, "you seem pretty quiet tonight."

His eyebrows rose in shock for a second before his face softened into a smile. He slid his hand into hers, entwining their fingers. "Yeah, I'm good."

She smiled back at him, running her thumb across the back of his hand. "Good."

"Julieeeee," Reggie whined.

She turned back to them.

"Alex is trying to convince me that Troy isn't even in the next movie."

"How would he even know that? He hasn't seen the rest of them."

Reggie fiddled with his hands. "I don't know, maybe Willie told him."

"Why would my b— why would Willie— why..." Alex trailed off, flustered.

"Look," Julie said to them sternly, "let's just watch the next one, it's my favourite. Then you'll know what actually happens, okay?"

They glanced at each other and then back at Julie, giving her a nod.

She reached forward to start the movie and when she leant back against the couch Luke disentangled their hands in favour of looping an arm around her shoulders, inching closer to her. Julie relaxed, letting her head come to rest on Luke's shoulder and ignoring the pointed looks from Alex and Reggie.

"So this one takes place during the summer?" Alex asked as the first song played.

"Yeah," Julie confirmed.

"But surely they'll all be doing different things?"

"Oh, just you wait."

They watched as the whole gang ended up either staying or working at Lava Springs and Alex piped up, "Oh, okay, I get it now."

"Why does this sound like something Dirty Candy would sing?" Reggie stated as Sharpay listed things she needed to be fabulous.

"Yeah it does actually," Julie said with sudden realisation.

Phantoms Movie Nights (one shots)Where stories live. Discover now