Eyes Up Guardian.

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So... how to explain my Day. First lets start at the beginning of my life as I remember it I guess, that's usually his theses things go right?

Flashback, already.

'Eyes Up Guardian'

An echo of consciousness. Concepts I'm sure i know, logically at least, but they judt seemed hollow. Eyes were organs you used to see, up was a direction, guardian was a title. I feel like they should have an emotional meaning, memories? That the word?

I forced my eye lids to open. big mistake. Feel like my brains on fire and everything hurts.

My surroundings? Junk, scrap, floating eye ball, the sky and a big metal building. Actually a pretty nice view.

"Your Alive!"

The floating eye ball talks, Cool. Why do I feel like I've seen wierder?

"Ghost actually, not an eye ball."

A ghost then, its reading my mind to. Nice.

"Where am I?"

Wow, my voice sounds bad. Dehydrated and disuse I think... ow, everything hurts now. Why?

Oh... I'm wearing armour, that's melted. Probably damaged my chest. A

"It did, I fixed it but its only a patch job. We should get moving, their is a ship not far from here."


Timeskip. And perspective change

His ghost was right, there was a ship here. Surrounded by Things that wanted him dead. He wanted them dead Better. Now he has a ship and is on his way to a 'collection of light'. Ghost thinks it's a settlement of people like him.

That's a big city with a small moon hovering over it. And he loves it. It just Feels so nice, like when he threw that first fireball, just so good.

Not important, coming in for landing. Lets say hello.


"DIE!" The Fallen Kell shouted as it attacked again, only for a Spear of purple and red in Damascus pattern to pierce its head and explode with Solar glory.

The thrower of the strange weapon? A Guardian with few Equals, wearing a grey suit of light armour with a purple-red swirl trench coat over it. Unlike many Warlocks he didnt wear a helmet, but a Hood and a facemask instead. The hood was also swirls of his favored colours like his Coat/Robes and his facemask was a mass of light grey metal made to resemble a human skull.

"Target Down, House Of Blood Exterminated. I'm going to do a sweep of this shop before heading back." The warlock reported into his comm  a unsettlingly calm tone.

"I'll log it, Noodles when you get back, Mercer?" Cayde-6 replied, recieving no response but knowing the answer, which was yes whether the guardian wanted to eat or not.

Mercer, the name The Guardian chose for himself better part of a century ago. A name now associated with so many great deeds. The killing of Gods, the torture of The Taken and Hive, the Breaking of the Cobal, the Vex Massacres, and now a minor extermination of Fallen. Of course none of this was done alone, but he always got the credit. It didnt help that the Fireteams that did heal with such achievements were usually as introverted as himself and didnt like taking credit.

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