Always Interesting

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The two shared eye contact for a moment. one using advanced technology and Space Magic to satisfy curiosities, the other searching for something in blue eyes that seemed long lost to the land of the living.

VOID and Solar danced beneath ones Will, heat and Something being drawn away from a cup of tea.

That Startled the makeshift immortal, though he didnt show it, seeing and feeling his techniques feasted upon by something... More.

"Dont mind if I do." The war born Immortal masquerading as a boy said with a practiced smile that didnt quite reach his dead eyes, a hand moving forward to take the mug he had Casted upon.

"Your friends-" Ozpin started, only to be interrupted by a Mumbled 'they arent' before continuing. "-Told me you claim to have Amnesia, and that you dont care yo fibd out who you were. Could you explain that to me?"

"I could" was the Guardians answer, his hands coming up to grab his Mask so that he could lower it to his chest.

A beat of silence and a sip of tea informed Ozpin that he wasnt going to say more. he went to speak, only to be cut off by Mercer continuing.

"Simple really. A corpse should be left well enough alone... unless they have loot, then it's free game." He explained before taking in another sip of tea.

Ozpin could understand that sentiment, though how he referred to his past as a corpse couldnt be healthy.

"And where did you learn the skills you showed at the docks?" Ozpin asked, taking a sip I'd his own tea. A green Raven had introduced to him before her... departure.

"Here and there, you pick up things when you travel as much as I like to." The man across from him answered.

"Hmm, I believe I have a proposal for you, mister Mercer. How would you like to attend Beacon Academy? Not only could we help with your legal state, but we could also help you further your skills."

Ozpin hoped he didnt seem to quick in his Offer, Mercer was quite skilled according to reports and camera footage. He could be quite a boon, even if he didnt join in The Chess Game.

"I'll have to think about it. I have things to do in Vale, may even have a date with a Detective who seems to like their cuffs."

That, Ozpin didnt need to know. The Immortals minor reaction of inhaling some tea was noticed by the Stranger, making one amused while the other suffered a slight coughing fit.

End, because 1AM is a time.




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