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Syd's pov:

I walked Amber out to the car and opened the passenger door for her, "thank you," she said with a soft blushy face that made me giggle. "Why of course, beautiful" I got in the car and started to back out and drive to the restaurant. "Where are we goiiinnnngggg???" Amber whined "To a place. Where you can eat." I said teasingly, "Ughhhhhh! Why can't I know Syd? You're so meannnnn-" she sighed "oh I'm sorry, would you like me to spoil the date! NoOoOpEe" I said back clearly playing around but she just rolled her eyes and ignored me. "We're here hun." I said and Amber's face lit up. "H-here? This is the most expensive place in town Sydney..." She said looking shocked. "Yes, but I want to treat you to a nice dinner, and anyways my parents left me some money. Now c'mon!! Let's go!" I said practically dragging her out of the car. "Ouch, okayokayyyy" she whined "Sorry- but like come onnnn!" I walked up to the doors and told the guy my name, then he walked us to our table. "What the hell Syd! This place is so cool- How can you afford this?" She asked. "Daddy's money I guess." I said jokingly "Oh of course. Daddy left his princess $2,000 and then just left her for a week? Surrrreeee" she said "Well, I guess.." I said kinda annoyed. "Welp, what are you getting?" She asked "Uhm-, probably a steak with a side or something" I answered "what about you?" "I think I'll get the same as you." Sha answered, and I nodded.

The waitress came up to us and asked us if we were ready to order, and we did, Amber ended up getting what I got and we chatted for a bit until out food came. "Sooo, what are we doing after this?" She asked and I looked at her, "You mean I'm keeping you?" I teased "hmph, I'm being serious! What are we gonna doooooo?" She whined, "Do you wanna go stargazing?" I asked her and she looked at me with a big smile "Yes yes yessss!" She exclaimed. Our food came and we ate and chatted a bit more just talking about the consolations we were going to look for and stuff. Once we finished the waitress brought me the bill and I hid it from Amber. Jeez- that's alot.. it's okay though... I thought and then just put the cash in the slip and handed it back giving the woman a $25 tip. "Thank you," the waitress said, and I nodded. "You ready babes?" I asked Amber and she nodded blushing. "Awww you're blushing" I said and then pecked her cheek.

~Time skip~

We got to the park and I got out a blanket, and lied it on the ground. I payed down on it next to Amber, holding her close to me. "Look, there's the little dipper" she pointed out. "Ooh, cool. There's orion's belt!" I showed her by pointing. We stayed like that until she stared to dose off to sleep. "Amber.. it's time to go home hunny" I said and she grumbled. "nooo..." She said cuddling closer, "Come on hunny.. it's time to go, I said and she finally stood up with me and I put her in the passenger side of the car and drove home.

The best summer of my lifeWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt