The Backstories

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Yvonne- Tears sprung out of my eyes. I clung onto my brother, whimpering. It was the first time I had ever felt like this. Not as if I had never been sad in my whole life, it was just-I hadn't felt this sad before. I was only two years old, and my father was about to be killed by my aunt(I called her Aunty Olivia).

I never really knew my mother(she had died four days after I was born, or at least that's what my brother told me), nor did I miss her. My mother's name was Sylvia Walker Baltimore. My father, James Edward Baltimore, was battling Aunty Olivia at court. When people disagree about something, and it causes catastrophes all over Animalia, they battle at court. Their entire family has to watch, and that includes me and my 15-year old brother(Noah Walker Baltimore). My brother was the most sarcastic person I knew back then, but he was the only family I was gonna have in a minute or two! Other than Aunty Olivia, but who would wanna live with her? She's mean, rude, cruel, you name it!

Everyone I've ever met says that I would grow up to be a vetrynarian(if that's how you spell it), and my brother would be a lawyer. But I'm not so sure about that now. Aunty Olivia snarled something like, "So what's your next, move James? Ha! Guess I win! Yeah, that's right! I WIN! Well, after my next move, but-" My father sliced off her arms. She gasped. I guess that's why she wears fake arms all the time nowadays. Aunty Baltimore fell to her feet and roared in pain.

She soon realized that she could still punch with her bleeding arms. So she did, and she managed to cut off his head, but that resulted as Aunty Olivia slicing a bit more of her arms off.

The next thing you knew, she was taken by her driver(who looked like she had just hired him) to the ONLY hospital in Wanyama. There's ONE hospital, and about 20 veterinary(Noah told me the correct spelling) clinics.

We were sling-shotted into this weird place. Don't expect me to say "I'm kidding!" 'cuz I'm NOT. Do you understand?

A week or two later, Noah's best friend, Wade Parker, took Noah to the court to say that Noah was innocent. They believed him(even Aunty Olivia!), and trust me, not a lot of people can do that.

About 9 years later...

I kicked the rocks on a path I was walking when I saw a boy. He asked me my name(I told him it), and he told me his. It was Jasper. Jasper Washington. He asked me why I was here. I told him that my Aunty Olivia and my father battled in court. My father died, me and my brother were sling-shotted into this place, and my brother was able to get back into Wanyama. He told me that his sister had to be killed since she stole from a store. She couldn't help it since she was a sweet-tooth. We decided to stick together; it wasn't safe out in the war- I mean, DUH! So, then we saw a boy and girl running away from a gunshot that was headed straight for them. We said "Hi!", and they said "Hi, what's your name?" in reply. We told them our names, and they told us ours. Fay and Elijah. Or, Fay Londyn Lightningstorm, and Elijah Jonathan Thompson. I felt bad for Jasper; in many ways, I realized, that he was the "odd" one out. No offense Jasper, if you're reading this right now. We named the place Mahali Popote, and we took shelter in a tent we found, and soon, we realized that no one could see, hear, smell, taste, or touch us.

Jasper- I watched in terror as "mlinzi aliyevikwa taji" tied my older sister(her name's Dinah Washington) with ropes. He kept slashing her with a chain, and blood spilled out of her mouth. I squeezed my tie, the one my sister had made me the night before. I was currently 5, at the moment, and Dinah was sixteen. She kept moaning.

The next slash that had come, I think she broke her spinal cord. I didn't hear her familiar moaning that ensured me she was alive. I tip-toed to the front of the crowd. I wanted to check whether she was alive or not. I crossed my fingers and toes and turned to face Dinah. I hoped she wasn't... I CANNOT say it! Apparently, yes. She was _. Please finish the sentence for me. I didn't want people to kick me out, so I kicked myself out. I solemnly walked into the town. I wasn't too happy when I saw what I had to make a living out of. Dodging bullets, barely NO food to eat and NO water to drink?

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