𝒟𝑜𝓃𝓉 𝒲𝑜𝓇𝓇𝓎

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Zenitsu's POV

I was just sitting down near a road minding my own business, waiting for my next mission, taking my time by staring off into space. I had no one to talk to, and nothing to do after all. So what else can i do? My neck felt kind of stiff today but I had already cracked it a while ago so I doubted it'd crack again. Plus I'd rather not crack my neck then accidentally end up snapping it, then just be left there, not married and all, with a snapped neck. I was getting a bit impatient  just waiting so i let my muscles relax, throwing my back down onto the grass. I felt a bit uneasy though i ignored it because it was day time, and there aren't any demons that can conquer the sun. 

"Koko wa shizuka sugimasu.. Henda ne... (It's Too Quiet Here.. That's Strange...)" I spoke to my self softly yet quietly. I almost closed my eyes but then i heard a familiar sound approaching me. It took me a second to realize what it was, that was until i heard its language.

"Chun! Chun!" The bird had spoke.

"Chuntaro. Fancy seeing you again." I had said while hold my hand out insisting that Chuntaro to land on my hand.

"Chun!" Chuntaro Has Said While Landing On My Hand.

"E? (Huh?)"

"A new mission i see." I said with a small smile. My right hand reached up to pet Chuntaro on the head slowly, causing him to press against my hand. I remove my hand from Chuntaro and place it on the floor helping me get up.

"Since It's A Mission For Me I'd Assume It's An Upper Or Lower Moon." I said quietly while walking back down the path with my right hand next to my yellow haori with white triangles. I look at Chuntaro to see him nod up and down telling me it was a yes. I give him a small nod before raising my hand up onto my shoulder so he could rest there instead. As he got off he also quickly rushed beside my neck and just leaned against it, earning a small laugh from me.

"What would i do without you huh?" I said while moving my head to face the road again. I stopped walking for a moment but then all you could see was a small trail of burnt dry mud. I had always hated harming nature but if lives are in danger then I'd have no choice but to ruin it. Although i was so fast to the point of which you couldn't see me, it still took a while to get there considering it was both 50 Miles Away and on top of a mountain 12 Miles high. 

"Why such a far away mission?.." I said it a slightly disappointed tone. I could feel the wind harshly pushing against my body due to the high speed I was travelling at. Although I'm The Thunder Pillar, I couldn't travel at the actual speed of lightning otherwise I'd die both due to the heat and amount of pressure the wind would give So I travel at 67,500 MPH also known for being my max speed.

"It'll roughly be 53 Minutes Chuntaro so you better get comfy." I had warned him.

I felt him hop into the demon slayer uniforms collar, resting beside my neck, getting all comfortable and snug.

(51 Minutes Later)

"We got here a few minutes fast than we should have..." I had suspiciously spoke to myself and Chuntaro. Also felt Chuntaro move from the side of my neck and onto my shoulder. I look at him and he looks back at me, we both nod at the name time as i walk into a pitch black forest with a large fog causing it to be even harder to see. 

"This is making me feel uneasy.." I said while walking a bit slower. I stop at the sound of distant voices, though i started to walk towards them because the vibrations they gave of were human. Slowly but surely the fog cleared a bit as i saw four demon slayers all talking to each other. I was behind them so i tap their on the shoulder to get their attention. They turn around rather quick,  coming face to face with me.

"Zenitsu Agatsuma, with the demon slayer corps. Rank- " Before i could finished i heard a demon from behind, more importantly an Uppermoon. I swing around from my current position and place my hand on my sword's handle with my eyes darting left to right.

"It's coming." Is the only thing i had to say and they all tensed up but they all also took out their swords. Though before they could they all died.


That one sound made me turn around. But all i could see were their dead corpses.

"I see.. It's Nice To Meet You Again....... Kaigaku."

(After the fight cause i'm lazy)

I stumbled away swinging side to side. Chuntaro had already left to get help a few minutes after the fight had started. I was severely damaged, to the point of which if i don't get help soon then it'd be fatal. One of my ribs had pierced my lungs causing blood to slowly but surely build up inside. I kept on walking trying to find help, barely conscious. Though a few seconds later i heard someone walking towards me. When i looked up all i could see was their eyes. I fell to my knees followed by my torso falling onto the freezing cold snow aswell. I looked at their eyes once. Before blacking out completely i had heard the man speak.

Tanjiro's POV

I thought that I should rehearse the Hinokami Kagura Dance for a special tradition coming up. So i began to walk into my room and towards a small basket that had the clothes for it. I change into them and walk towards were the dance used to be preformed by my father. I stared for a few moments as all the memories came back to me. I walked towards it and into the centre. For another few moments i just stared at the snow but just when i was about to start something had cough my nose.

"Blood., and a... Hashira?" I began walking towards the strange scent along with my sword just incase. I happened to come across a bloodied blonde hashira. Also knows as The Thunder Pillar. He was staring at the floor but then his head had looked up towards me making eye contact. I knew he had an amazing sense of hearing so i could tell he knew i was there. His legs and knees had gave out causing him to fall to the snow along with his upperbody. He looked at my eyes once more. Just before He Blacked Out I Had Whispered.

"You'll Be Okay."

"Dont Worry."

13:01 - 13:37



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